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"Voxel House - a company model for the future?" Topic

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian considers the Battle of Delium, 424 B.C.

1,560 hits since 23 Jan 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 8:14 a.m. PST

Fellow Gamers -

I've watched Voxel House out of Brazil bring along its varied line of rules and supporting 3D files for printing and playing their games with miniatures for a number of years now.

The company advertises here on TMP, and sell's it's 3D file downloads and PDF rules on Wargame Vault, with some free, downloadable samples offered to try out by us end-users.

I don't own a 3D printer, but have enjoyed seeing some of the intergrated products that Voxel House continues to bring out along with their rulesets, and to use with scenario downloads that are available for their game systems.

All I can say, is that I'm very impressed by the business model Voxel House has embraced, and continues to promote. Again, I haven't been able to benefit from their model of products integration, as I don't 3D print, but I think their approach to this hobby may very well be demonstrating a strong future potential to follow.

Things I like about this company's approach – downloadable rulesets, which they also support with downloadable 3D files for printing out miniatures meant to work directly with their rules. That there's free guides, game scenarios, and 3D print files that a gamer can try out first, or review, before buying into one of their game systems.

Lastly, or maybe of current relevance to the traditional hobby "pipeline" – near instant gratification if one owns that 3D printer – you print what you need, and don't have to wait for what's on a retailer's shelf, in the suppliers' inventory, or have to suffer the vagaries of service by international shipping/postal agencies (the last issue I'm now suffering with myself, while still trying to get products from multiple overseas suppliers – and for multiple months now).

No doubt, some of us might have to look on with envy as adherents to the newest technologies can take advantage of these hobby changes underfoot, but can still appreciate the advantages they offer ahead……

Disclaimer – I have no association with this company, other than having sampled some of their offerings off of Wargame Vault.

(posting this on multiple forum boards here on TMP which I believe may have product relevance or potential interest)

DeRuyter23 Jan 2023 10:29 a.m. PST

You can benefit from this business model even if you don't own a 3d printer. There are plenty of POD services springing up that will print files for you. Not as cost effective as printing yourself but certainly a time saver.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 10:46 a.m. PST

Thanks for the headsup DeRuyter.

I did try this with some Project Wargaming 2-3mm size units, to get a quote from their recommended POD supplier. I received one follow-up email, and then responded back with my wants, and then "crickets".

Without much practice in this POD process, I will venture to take a guess that there's probably not much return to be had in the 2-6mm size products, compared to the more profitable, larger size models or figure orders. Imagining one customer wants 150+, smallish unit prints, and how that would shake out compared to another customer wanting say 2, 28mm buildings from the same POD supplier (it could certainly be an issue of business "scale" – someone wanting lots of little, low-profit wants vs. those coming in for a few, bigger-profit print orders).

This is where I see an advantage of this models + rules integration package working best (like with Voxel House here – in the smaller scales/unit-based systems)……if one has their own 3D printer to complete that package so to speak.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 10:57 a.m. PST

I followed the link.

I'm confused…

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 11:31 a.m. PST

I just checked the link, it still works.

Stryderg23 Jan 2023 11:43 a.m. PST

If you go to the page and click on Games at the top, then click on a game; you are taken to Wargame Vault to buy one file which contains the rules and STL files. Then you print your own minis, or use a print on demand service.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 1:09 p.m. PST

I have a 3D print company and I like Voxelhouse. I print their stuff up for my 6mm figs and own most of it. I like em!



GildasFacit Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 1:58 p.m. PST

My limited experience is that POD in smaller scales is very expensive compared to buying metal figures.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 2:27 p.m. PST

GF, that's an interesting observation, and one I didn't expect.

Zephyr123 Jan 2023 3:29 p.m. PST

Check your local library system. Sometimes they have a 3D printer you can have items printed on…

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 6:20 p.m. PST

I must admit that I would turn away anything smaller than 20mm to print for a customer. Bu the occasional times I have been approached I got right back to them and didn't leave them hanging.

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Jan 2023 6:20 p.m. PST

I must admit that I would turn away anything smaller than 20mm to print for a customer. Bu the occasional times I have been approached I got right back to them and didn't leave them hanging.

Nice to see your praise about a company.

Covert Walrus23 Jan 2023 9:11 p.m. PST

I admit, I've known about Voxelhouse for some time, and while I can't say anything about their rules, their stls for printing are great – My local library's 3d Print service has no issue with the files, and they have some absolutely amazingly detailed 6 mm vehicles, such as the Straker All Terrain Vehicle, which is the cleanest and easiest to remove from supports tracked vehicle in resin in that scale I have yet had printed.

And I see that it's currently free at Wargames Vault as well.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2023 6:27 a.m. PST

Guys, thank you for your comments and suggestions here.

(and that there's facets still to learn about in this ever-evolving hobby of ours)

BigDan Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2023 10:02 a.m. PST

FlyXwire, I'm also interested in the Project Wargaming figures. Where you able to find someone to print them for you? Anyone you would recommend?

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2023 10:34 a.m. PST

Big Dan, unfortunately no (but then I just dropped the effort, and haven't tried anything more).

UshCha30 Jan 2023 5:01 a.m. PST

Had a look and will remember it for reference. Thanks

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Jan 2023 7:37 p.m. PST

Hi, I can print them as long as you purchase the files from PW. I also print them up for my own use. I have bought most of his Ancient and Nap files. 30 cents for each cohort/unit. I run JS wargamer Printing. You can go there and contact me or PM me. I'm printing some up for another gent on this thread currently.



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