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Brechtel19822 Jan 2023 7:09 a.m. PST

The Age Of Reason And Christianity

'As stated earlier, the Age of Reason came with humankind questioning almost every belief and way of life including the dominant Christianity. From a Christian perspective, this was a period where many people attacked the religion in the guise of logical questioning. In addition, Christians deemed it a period where people came out and openly rejected God and all of his teachings. Instead of worshipping and fearing the one true God, humanity began the worship of new gods such as clear thinking, intellect, logical thinking, and reason. This abandonment was quite interesting in that it was a shift from one extreme to another. In medieval times, people leaned on the extreme that religion was absolute and that questioning it was wrong. In the Age of Reason, the other extreme humanity embraced was the ridiculousness of religion and the perfection of humankind. Any gray area in between the two extremes was completely ignored. Humankind believed that nature and everything around him were enough to know God if he existed at all.'


doc mcb22 Jan 2023 8:02 a.m. PST

So is Newton best understood as a figure in the Age of Reason? or as a Christian?


Our modern and foolish distinction between reason and faith did not carry much weight with Newton. He understood the power of science and also its limits.

Brechtel19822 Jan 2023 9:03 a.m. PST

Why is the distinction 'foolish'?

Reason is based on theory and proof, belief in God or a Supreme Being is based on belief (faith) and doesn't require physical proof.

There is a definite difference in science and religion, although it should be noted that both can coexist. In short, belief in one does not negate belief in the other, and vice versa.

doc mcb22 Jan 2023 9:20 a.m. PST

Your last sentence explains why the distinction is foolish. Reason is routinely applied to theology and the analysis of scripture. Same as science, but with a different set of givens.

Plus, you cannot prove that your observations and measurements are real. You cannot prove there is such a thing as proof. You (and I) have a FAITH in reason.

So the line between faith and reason is very blurred.

Brechtel19822 Jan 2023 3:10 p.m. PST

Reason: the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.


(1): strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof:

(2): complete trust or confidence in someone or something:

(3): a system of religious belief:

(4): a strongly held belief or theory:

The definitions of 'faith' and 'reason' are not the same.

doc mcb22 Jan 2023 3:47 p.m. PST

Are you confident that your observations actually comport to reality? Where does that confidence come from? or have you even thought about it?

We KNOW phenomena can change according to whether they are observed or not.

You may have an unreasoned or unreasonable faith in human reason.

Is your trust in science a FAITH? I suspect it matches your last definition.

42flanker23 Jan 2023 2:30 a.m. PST

Newton also explored the mystical potential of alchemy

Brechtel19831 Jan 2023 4:02 p.m. PST

So is Newton best understood as a figure in the Age of Reason? or as a Christian?

I never judge any historical figure by their religious beliefs, nor anyone else for that matter.

Marcus Brutus08 Feb 2023 8:08 a.m. PST

I never judge any historical figure by their religious beliefs, nor anyone else for that matter.

On what basis do you make this claim? How can you simply discount a person's religious belief as a historical fact?

And to the above your distinction between religious belief and reason is absurd. Religious belief can most certainly be a reasonable act or assertion. It can be based or at least supported by historical and scientific data. I have faith that my wife is faithful to me in our marriage. This belief rests on good reasons, like her character, her sense of responsibility, how she treats her promises. It is not a fanciful idea even if I cannot prove it in the ultimate sense (ie. what she will do in the future.)

Albus Malum10 Feb 2023 9:50 a.m. PST

So do you "TRUST" science, or even more importantly so called "SCIENTISTS"? Look at the damage that has been done to the World in the last two years using the name of SCIENCE!

I am a physicist, working as a hydrologist, I am a skeptic of everything said in the name of Science and in the name of Religion also. When you here the words "Consensus of scientists all agree" or the "Science is settled" you know you are about to be lied too. There are also people using the name of religion to exert their control over you also.

I am also a Christian and believe in God. Believing in God and Studying Science is not inconsistent, but they actually go hand in hand.

Religion does not teach about astrophysics any more than astrophysics teaches a person how to live a happy fulfilling and meaningful life.

If true scientist sat down and really tried to come up with what people need to do to live happy, fulfilling and non-destructive lives, the would come up with exactly the same things taught by true religion.

People tend to think that technology is science. Nothing can be further than the truth. Most people now days that say they believe in science do not. They only believe in technology.

Technology in the hands of evil people, ie those who do not fear God, will lead to the complete destruction of society, and possibly the human race, or potentially most life on the planet. All you technocrats, you think you are so smart?

If technology is so great, then I should develop the best technology to destroy you, kill you before you kill me, and take everything you have. and of coarse, you should be trying to kill me also! right? I should develop a Atomic bomb, or bioweapon using my scientific principles to make the technology to kill you!

Christianity is based on the core belief to love God, and love your neighbor as your self. The belief of God, or a benevolent supreme being is essential. If you only believe in yourself as supreme, then you can not love your neighbor and it all reverts into kill your neighbor before he kills you. And take his stuff so you can have more, easily. Who cares? right?

Observation (scientific or just causual) shows that religious people, as long as they are following their religion, are the happiest and most content people on earth, while the most unhappy, most destructive people have no belief in a higher being, or are actively fighting against those who do.

To sum it up, you have to have true FAITH to be happy, you have to diligently study science to understand, but you can still be happy without understanding. And using your faith to guide you, and your understanding to create technology, technology can be a useful tool to make you life easier, so that you can have more time to increase your faith and understanding. However, the emptyness of just having technology, and thinking that your technology makes you superior only will lead to your and others misery and destruction.

Also beware, not all religions are equal, not all science is proven, and not all technology is a benefit.

Trokoshea11 Feb 2023 6:33 a.m. PST

"Technology in the hands of evil people, ie those who do not fear God" With that in mind, I suggest you keep your thoughts for yourself. This has no place on a historical wargaming forum.

Brechtel19811 Feb 2023 7:46 a.m. PST

+1 Trolishea.

Brechtel19811 Feb 2023 7:48 a.m. PST

On what basis do you make this claim? How can you simply discount a person's religious belief as a historical fact?

It isn't a 'claim.' It's my personal belief. People, historical or otherwise, should be judged by what they do or have done and the strength of their character. Religion is personal, and should be left that way.

Brechtel19811 Feb 2023 7:49 a.m. PST

On what basis do you make this claim? How can you simply discount a person's religious belief as a historical fact?

It isn't a 'claim.' It's my personal belief. People, historical or otherwise, should be judged by what they do or have done and the strength of their character. Religion is personal, and should be left that way.

Judging anyone by their religious belief is just plain wrong.

doc mcb11 Feb 2023 10:01 a.m. PST

Albus, yes.

Der Krieg Geist12 Feb 2023 12:32 p.m. PST

How is any of this over opinionated twaddle, in any way, shape or form, a Medieval wargame battle report?

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