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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2023 11:26 a.m. PST

Be careful about being too political … I got a lot snipped and told I was being too political. And in retrospect, I probably was … Regardless I have made my opinions clear about open borders, etc. 'nuff said …

That being said, I saw the interview of an employee who works at one of the "fancy" hotels where illegal aliens are being housed & fed.

From his interview and others in the media, etc :

The rooms in that hotel are $500 USD/night. Yet they are trashed. Full beer cans, junk etc., etc. [I saw the photos] Just like the trashed Southern border where they crossed. [I saw the photos].

Much of the food given to them for free goes in the garbage cans, etc.[I saw the photos] Estimated 40% or more of the free food was thrown away. Know a lot of Americans would like to get that food. If you don't like the food … don't take it. Guess they can't be that hungry ? The aliens use hot plates to cook in their $500 USD/night room. I don't think that is allowed.

Reminds me of a news story when the USA first went into A'stan. Was said to be a humanitarian crisis people were starving, etc. Special vegetarian MREs were dropped into areas. To halt those that said might be starving.

An interpreter, in that news piece quoted an old Afghan man feeding the MRE to his donkey. He said he didn't like it. The food was bad, who would eat this, etc., etc. The donkey seemed to like it.[I saw the footage] So here again … I guess he was not that hungry ?

Back to NYC a Sancturary City, one of many in the USA – The aliens in the $500 USD/night hotel get drunk, use drugs, get into fights, etc. The NYC LEOs must come and regain control …

Where did these poor desperate destitute abused people from 160 nations on the planet get $ for alcohol and drugs ?

Why didn't they buy food if they didn't like the free food ? AFAIK NYC must have one of the most diverse list of eateries, etc. on earth. Again, guess they were not that hungry.

Why would you trash a beautiful well maintained luxury hotel room you are allowed to live in for free ?

Who is paying for the rooms & food … ? I think we know that answer.

The hotel employee also said the employees were being sexually harassed, etc. My thought, how long will it be before a drunk/high alien(s) assaults/rapes a maid, etc. ?

Just a matter of time, I guess.

Another list of reasons to not like open borders …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2023 11:31 a.m. PST

Not sure there will be any cuts, no real concrete plan to assess and rework the budget. Cutting Ukraine and the military is a non starter for Dems these days. Talk about cutting Social Secirity and Medicare Is not happening. And defunding the FBI and other law enforcement will be opposed. Nobody in the middle buys the rhetoric, IMO. Big spending and tax cuts in the last admin were also a problem, bit I doubt wealth and tax will be addressed. IRS must be able to collect the revenue we are owed.

Again, I wish the military, especially the Navy, could get some leadership on procurement. These people in Congress take care of their own state 's contractors. But we need to overhaul the system and get our money's worth. We are far wealthier than other countries, but we cannot afford to get conned on defense spending. And the Pentagon itself has much to answer for., IMO.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2023 11:56 a.m. PST

Hopefully there will be no cuts to the Military spending. As the US Military needs to be rebuilt, etc. From my experience, cutbacks mean the troops on the ground, aboard ships, etc. are the ones that suffer. With equipment shortages, issued low bidder equipment, etc., etc. Been there … done that. But the ones making these decisions from the very top won't be affected of course. Their kin are probably not serving anyway.

The US Military needs to be refocused on warfighting skills. Not woke, etc., dogma. That does nothing for combat readiness.

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