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Maggot07 Jan 2023 11:44 a.m. PST

just wanted to give a shout out on this game. It took quite a few years to come to fruit, but the end result seems pretty good.

Production values are high, and you can get a set with or without figures. There are also 3 or so figure expansion sets for the two main rivals and a mercenary group. Figures are sourced from multiple companies, again, all of high quality.

Mainly 6-10mm game. So for my first game, I pulled out a bunch of the new Battletech plastics and gave them stats from the on-line unit creator provided free when you purchase the game. Game is figure agnostic. You have it, you can play it using the online (Arsenal) unit builder.

Once I figured it out, it takes maybe 5 minutes to stat up a unit (tanks, infantry, APC, aircraft, boats). Print, play. The miniatures with the game come pre-stated, so once you throw some paint on, you are good to go.

After a few rounds, game play is pretty easy and free flowing. All the info you need are on the unit cards and there are some good You Tube videos un-boxing to show the contents.

Command and Control: simulated by a battle group leader and up to six attached units staying within a command range to receive orders each turn. You can form, and reform, BG during the game. Each attached unit can have one or more game pieces attached (say up to 10 infantry stands or 2-4 vehicles). You can have multiple battle groups. "Stress" and units going outside of command range have negative modifiers and reduces their ability to act independently. Each unit also has its own "effectiveness" die than can degrade over time, reducing its ability to fight.
Simple, easy to follow.

Firing/assault: Each individual piece in a unit can fire at an enemy or combine fire with like units for greater effect. Three dice (weapon die, unit effectiveness die, and targeting or assault die) are rolled versus and evasion stat to determine hits. Each unit has its own defense chart to determine weapon attack effects. Again, straightforward, easy to follow.

Movement and terrain, very easy chart to follow, minimal fuss. Can degrade targeting die of enemy trying to attack you. Full, but still simple terrain rules, and rules for fortifications ("active" buildings).

Small but effective extra rules to differentiate units, such as jump jets, special armor, variable bomb types and several dozen different weapon systems to choose from, such as Machine Gun, type 1-5 (you determine what a type 1 or 5 is in your collection). Each weapon has different effectiveness versus troops or vehicles, and some are area effect weapons.

Indirect fire is simple and can be ordered and delivered in the same turn with a spotter working with a appropriately armed unit.

Aircraft work similar to land vehicles in construction, but some obvious high move values and greater LOS give them a good place in the game.

So, if you want that game to put your units on the board with the stats you desire, this is the game for you. You could do almost any period (WW1, WW2, sure…) you desire. You just determine what the baseline stats are for each weapon and armor type and go from there.

Highly recommended, go buy it.

Happy New Year, TMP

Mictator27 Mar 2023 9:29 a.m. PST

Very interesting!

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