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"3d printer vs. Laser Cutter" Topic

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850 hits since 6 Jan 2023
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infojunky06 Jan 2023 5:09 p.m. PST

Right now weighing options I thick I would still prefer a Laser cutter to a 3d printer.


Thresher0106 Jan 2023 7:41 p.m. PST

Hmmm, not sure.

The 3D printer IS superior for many applications.

Personally, I want a home CinC machine for an affordable price, so I can make my own miniatures in metal.

Nick Bowler07 Jan 2023 2:02 a.m. PST

My wife teaches Engineering at a high school, and hence I have access to a laser cutter and 3D printers over the summer vacations. I always struggled finding stuff to cut with the laser cutter. Except for large boxes, I found it easier to use my own 3D printer. I now have three 3D printers (2x FDM and 1x resin) and have no desire for a laser cutter.

Mad Mecha Guy07 Jan 2023 12:41 p.m. PST

why not have both, the laser can do bases, buildings and structures, where as the resin printer can do the detailing for the buildings along with vehicles and figures.

could have one of the newer 10-20w diode lasers. a lot smaller than a 50w co2 laser.

Andrew Walters07 Jan 2023 11:03 p.m. PST

I think you search your area for a gamer that has one or the other. Buy the one they don't have, work together.

Otherwise do what you want. Just remember ventilation.

infojunky10 Jan 2023 12:44 a.m. PST

Insight is helpful.

Mostly I have been thinking about doing Geomorphs.

infojunky11 Jan 2023 5:55 p.m. PST

So Andrew, Got one?

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