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21 Jan 2023 7:10 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Pirates - constructible strategy game (Pirates CSG)" to "Pirates - constructible strategy game (Pirates CSG)"Removed from Wargaming in General boardCrossposted to Pirates boardCrossposted to Collectible Miniatures Games board

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korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2023 6:23 a.m. PST

I'm not sure where to post this so I plumped for this board.

A good friend passed a while back and a group of us have been slowly selling off figures/rules/scenery/miscellaneous stuff since then for his family.

We've got rid of most stuff except for a few items, one of which is a heap of Pirates CSG ships. There are 335 of them, some punched, most not, most without packaging, some duplicates (I wouldn't call any NIB however).

The problem I have is that I have absolutely no idea how much (if anything) these are worth. Scouring the web I come up with prices ranging between ridiculous and worthless.

I am therefore seeking any help I can get to give me an idea how to value these. I'm not keen on going the ebay route (too many tyre kickers); all I want to do is garner a few shekels to pass on to the family.

Advice gratefully received.


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2023 7:17 a.m. PST

For the collector, the specific ship and theme pack matter. Other than the odd ship or two that is rare and someone has to have, these are generally of pretty low value. Personally, I'd go the ebay route. I'd probably do bundles of 50 ships at $15 USD to $20 USD per bundle. If you don't want multiple auctions, I'd start the bidding at $50. USD for the lot of them. The market will tell you what they are worth.

I am not sure what a tyre kicker on ebay is. Post photos of the cards, tell people you are selling of a friend's collection, and that you cannot answer specific questions.

OSCS7406 Jan 2023 7:26 a.m. PST

There is not a much demand for them. Hopefully, you will take 79thPA advice.

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2023 7:27 a.m. PST

thankyou both

Eclectic Wave06 Jan 2023 7:42 a.m. PST

You should be able to find some online price guides, although always take those prices with a grain of salt.

Eumelus Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2023 9:27 a.m. PST

If you receive no better offers and can accept payment through PayPal, I will offer $100 USD USD plus shipping for the lot. PM me if interested.

At any rate, please accept my sympathy for your loss.

Andrew Walters06 Jan 2023 10:14 a.m. PST

We should all put our heads together and come up with a good solution for this problem. We're all going to leave this to our families. They'll have boxes full of things they believe are valuable because *we* believe they're valuable. They might even *be* valuable, and there will be an emotional attachment. And they'll have no idea what to do.

Maybe we all need a hobby-executor as writers used to have literary executors to help the family disperse things in an emotionally-acceptable way.

I'm going to try to unload starting as early as possible to spare my family, but there's stuff I won't get rid of and therein lies the problem.

Best wishes to all involved.

Personal logo Mister Tibbles Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2023 5:37 p.m. PST

Sounds like my collection. They came in rarities, common, uncommon, super rare, so that counts big for values. Research that. Also, some sets were way over printed.

Honestly I can't recall much. Mine are in deep Plano boxes, next to stacks of Plano boxes of Heroclix, Mechwarrior, and Dice Masters. :-(

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP07 Jan 2023 4:05 a.m. PST

Thankyou for all the responses.

I've found there are some 'characters' in there also, which for some reason were listed as ships, I'll have to double check the spreadsheet.

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