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"Solo rules without the weird RPG elements?" Topic

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997 hits since 2 Jan 2023
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Wayniac02 Jan 2023 7:26 a.m. PST

Are there a set of rules for 1:1 platoon level (with maybe a gun or tank as support) that *doesn't* have pseudo RPG-lite stuff? I was recommended to look at NUTS and 5 Men but the RPG type rules (Star/Grunt, individual "characters" with their own personalities and the like) turned me off.

What other options exist that can be done solo but don't have that movie "here is the main character that represents you,the player, and everyone else is supporting roles" nonsense?

batesmotel3402 Jan 2023 8:35 a.m. PST

Chain of Command by Too Fat Lardies works well for solo play and is the scale you're looking. The rules emphasize leadership and the friction of small scale actionss without any RPG elements.


Stryderg02 Jan 2023 8:43 a.m. PST

Play Nuts without the star rules or attributes. In a platoon level game, it's recommended that attributes only apply to 'your' squad; it's too much to track otherwise (unless you're really into spreadsheets).

Bismarck02 Jan 2023 12:57 p.m. PST

Check out Buck Surdu's COMBAT PATROL. It is card driven,
1 to 1 scale and gives a lot of individual figure and group reactions without It has a great feel for WW2 and there is also a Pacific supplement.the RPG element. Great for solo play! Good support. Available online and in print.

Joe Legan05 Jan 2023 5:31 p.m. PST

Force on force is easy to play solitaire. Also agree chain of command and combat patrol would be easy.


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