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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Steve 9r18 Dec 2022 11:48 a.m. PST

Hello. Was wondering if anyone could point me towards a miniature manufacurer who makes figures that are to scale, or close to scale to the old West End Games figures?

Specifically I'm looking for something that would pass for an Imperial Army Trooper. I found the Denezin figures make great Rebels and I have some of the West End stormtroopers. I need some Imperial Army figures to go with them.

Does anyone know of figures that could be used?

Thanks in advance.

Von Trinkenessen18 Dec 2022 11:51 a.m. PST

Hi Steve , I have found that Ground Zero Games 25mm range may be useful, also the old Battletech 25mm Steiner infantry.

Rdfraf Supporting Member of TMP18 Dec 2022 1:52 p.m. PST

I have a collection of old 25mm Star Wars by West End I'm never going to paint.

Steve 9r19 Dec 2022 7:57 a.m. PST

Thank you Von Trinkenessen. I will take a harder look at Stargrunt. Unfortunately thier website doesn't have many pictures but I'll contact them and see if they can provide some. I actually have the some of the Battletech figures and would like to get some more, however, the few places I have found that have the figures want $6.50 USD per figure so thats not an option…

Rdfraf- you should look at selling them, depending on what you have they are worth some money. Stormtroopers and Imperial Navy figures are bringing quite a bit on e-bay.

Rdfraf Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2022 8:42 a.m. PST

If anyone wants some, email me I'd love to sell them.

thedrake31 Dec 2022 4:19 a.m. PST

GZG for one, also try Rebel Minis too.

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