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"Infantry in V4" Topic

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dogtail12 Dec 2022 8:08 a.m. PST

I am still not convinced to restart my FoW career with V4, especially as infantry seems to suffer from increased lethality of repeated bombardements. I was told in my LGS that nobody plays infantry lists anymore. Is that a local phenomena or is infantry on the downslide in V4?

Personal logo D6 Junkie Supporting Member of TMP12 Dec 2022 10:43 a.m. PST

I play mostly team yankee and some FoW. I find infantry to be a constant threat. Most people that don't run infantry in my group can't be bothered to paint it up, or don't understand how to use it. My friend Eli always leads with a force of American infantry mounted in halftracks supported by tanks and rarely loses.

dogtail12 Dec 2022 11:09 a.m. PST

I should have written footsloggers, I think Panzergrenadiers and Armoured Rifles are totally different from Grenadiere and pure Rifles.
I painted Russians Strelkovy (twice) British Inf and Paras (in Swiss camo), Commandos, AR, Fritzes and Waffen-Fritzes. Now I am painting a Battalion of US Rifles. If footsloggers are no fun to play in Fow V4, I think I am at the wrong place.

GreenMountainBoy12 Dec 2022 12:29 p.m. PST

I'm a long time FOW player- started with V2, really enjoyed V3, and am now neck-deep in V4. I've played plenty of infantry based forces and find them both a ton of fun and very challenging for my opponents. The year before last, I played two tournaments with a US parachute infantry force and placed very well in both events. I do think a ‘combined arms' approach is best in V4, but for me that is more fun anyway- infantry backed up by tanks with some artillery can be game-winning. V4 favors mobility, but infantry in this version is more mobile in general. Hope this helps.

dogtail12 Dec 2022 3:14 p.m. PST

@GreenMountainBoy: Ja, it helps: if there is a trade off, then there seems to be a balance. I knew the US Paras as an incredible aggressive list, and as a US player I tought mobility and combined arms produced the best blitzkrieg anyway, especially as long as AR could attack from their HTs :)

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