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"20mm Ray Harryhausen style Skeletons!" Topic

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MILSPEX7810 Dec 2022 7:27 a.m. PST

The closest set I can find is Caeser set 103 link

which is incredibly rare now. Surely a metal manufacturer makes 20mm classic skeles!? Please advise! Fang You!

colgar610 Dec 2022 9:58 a.m. PST

20mm is an uncommon scale for fantasy figures and you may have some difficulty finding these. Your best bet might be 3D-printed figures, such as the Dragonlock ones: link . They're not really Greek myth in style, though.

Failing that, perhaps a skeleton dwarf from a 28mm range might work? Probably not ideal, though.

Best of luck with your search!

D6Craig10 Dec 2022 10:29 a.m. PST

In plastics, Caesar are about the best I know of, but if you can find them Twilight Creations Midevil set had skeletons. Just 1 pose and possibly slightly larger than true 20mm if their zombies are anything to go by, but certainly not 28mm either and they would probably work.

MILSPEX7810 Dec 2022 7:20 p.m. PST

Thanks guys, the midevil skeleton looks pretty lame haha, and the Dragonlock ones have such lame poses! skeleton dwarves?? haha kind of a good idea but yeah nah..

there's a definite gap in the market here..

How am I supposed to make my 20mm Cold War guys travel to a fantasy dimension now???!!

bandit8610 Dec 2022 9:39 p.m. PST

Bronze age miniatures has some great stuff and some Greek skeletons Oh sorry I did not see the 20mm

Arjuna10 Dec 2022 9:52 p.m. PST

Personally I wouldn't bother doing this, because they would be prone to breaking by just looking at them, but with a resin printer/print service you could print them scaled down:

28mm – Children of the Hydra's Teeth – On Thingiverse

Skeleton Horde for Dungeons and Dragons – On Thingiverse

Since the only Harryhausen skeletons I know of, that have that greek style, are from 'Jason and the Argonauts', I would switch to the midevil style from 'Army of Darkness' and use 'Dark Alliance Light Warrior of the Undead', which may be easier to obtain than that Caesar set.

MILSPEX7811 Dec 2022 3:07 a.m. PST

Thanks for posting Bandit, but not a fan of those Bronze Age skeles, they look super athletic or something, which is weird.

Arjuna, those Children of the Hydra's Teeth are perfect, so you reckon just scaling down to to 20mm or about 30% would make them fragile? Damn, I've been wanting to get into 3D printing, but maybe I'll forget it.

The Dark Alliance stuff is interesting but their undead look a lot more like Zombies than skeletons to me.?

Thanks for posting anyways guys. I might be SOL unless anyone can link me to a Caeser set.

Arjuna11 Dec 2022 7:40 a.m. PST

so you reckon just scaling down to to 20mm or about 30% would make them fragile

I made a test print that was reduced to 71.43% of the 28mm scale and it came out fine.
Have to experiment a bit with the support structures, but still.
Handling is a problem, I broke the first arm at the shoulder after about two minutes.
The joints are quite fragile. A cloak or leftover shoulder armor/chest armor would be good.
Maybe painting them with thicker gloss and then matte varnish would help.
So I would advise against heavy drybrushing the skeletons if you prefer their limbs to still be attached….

Oh, and the height may be too small for your taste.
The Caesar skeletons are 23mm high, from the foot bones to the empty eye sockets.
So you're probably better off with 80% of a 28mm model.

I've made hundreds of prints, filament and UV-Resin and
I am very happy with the results, but I think it's not for everyone.
It's often much easier to buy prints.

bullant13 Dec 2022 3:11 a.m. PST

Check if shapeways has anything that suits the requirements at a reasonable price.


Neilad13 Dec 2022 3:31 p.m. PST


The site says they have 2 boxes in stock. These are the manufacturers. Have bought directly from them before with no issues. You might want to check with them first before placing order.

MILSPEX7818 Dec 2022 6:20 p.m. PST

Oh damn, both sold out before I could buy. I guess this thread blew them up/hyped them for someone else? THank you very much for posting Neilad but please DM me next time if anyone finds any. So dissappointed : (

My life sucks.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2022 2:45 p.m. PST

There are a number of purveyors of Caesar plastic fantasy mini's on the Internet. I would suggest searching the Usual Suspects for plastic mini's, including e-Bay, Michigan Toy Solders, and others (Google//Bing/Duck-Duck-Go, are your friends). It is hard to believe that Caesar will not make more to sell, if they are truly out of stock.

Caesar's fantasy mini's are a personal favorite of mine. The Red Box Light/Dark Alliance are another great source of 20mm fantasy goodness. The Light/Dark Alliance mini's have better detail molded into them, compared to Caesar. I would highly recommend them, if they fit your needs. Cheers!

MILSPEX7822 Dec 2022 12:43 a.m. PST

Sgt Slag, yeah nah. Thanks for your post but the reason Neilad's link was so important is that obviously I've tried to find the set by looking at the usual suspects for years now and set F103 is sold out everywhere and out of production for years now. Trust me I've been keeping an eye out for the set regularly for years.

Dark Alliance aren't skeletons, let alone Harryhausen classic skeles, they are zombies imo

Thanks for trying to help but it's like when you don't have a job and some Bleeped text says "why don't you just become a multiple property owner and collect passive income all day like me?"

Or when a guy with a trust fund asks why you care so much about money.

Both have happened to me. I guess I'll add guy who has F103 (Sgt Slag) saying "why don't you just buy them off ebay?" to the list.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP22 Dec 2022 9:36 a.m. PST

I do not have F103 in my collection. I thought they were too small for my needs, but now I realize I could use them as Elf Skeletons in my Undead armies. I have more than enough skeletons (Human and larger; I even have a skeletal/zombie dog army), but I have few demi-Human/Humanoid Undead, and an Elf Skeleton Army really appeals to me. GRRRrrr, that they are long OOP!

I do not understand Caesar. The molds are around $50,000 USD, to produce; they are good for 100's of thousands of impressions, before they wear out. I do not understand why Caesar do not make more copies (unless the molds did wear out, were destroyed or sold?).

I saw them advertised as available for several years. I thought they were only recently OOP. My apologies.

For me, the situation is me asking myself: "Why is the boomerang I just threw away, getting bigger?" Then, it hit me… Happy Holidays! Cheers!

MILSPEX7825 Dec 2022 2:36 a.m. PST

Merry Xmas Sgt Slag.

Albus Malum30 Dec 2022 6:13 p.m. PST

3d printing skeletons is sometimes difficult, especially if you do the 15mm stuff, and you want thin boned minis, I imagine 3d printing thin boned skeletons to match the size of Caesars is quite similar, That being said , I do have some 15mm skeltons ive printed, but not thin boned ones.

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