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1,083 hits since 9 Dec 2022
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Armournaut09 Dec 2022 11:46 a.m. PST

Greetings. I have a number of 6mm WW2 vehicles from various manufacturers – GHQ, H&R, CinC, Croissant, Goldring and Eisenwerk.
I have discovered a few vehicles which are marked on the underside with the letters CM – does anyone know what brand these are as I can't find any info on this and I'm curious.

Any other info regarding manufacturers past and present is appreciated.

stephen m09 Dec 2022 3:08 p.m. PST

Yea! Someone else who remembers Croissant.

I have some of his minis. What are the topics and I will see if mine have a CM underneath.

stephen m09 Dec 2022 4:12 p.m. PST

Some of the items I am sure were Croissant have a CM on the bottom and some do not. All are modern US military in this case. One is still in the package and not marked. Mind you this is a WWII package from the in service range, Oddball's Sherman and the ersatz Tiger from Kelly's Heroes.

Whirlwind10 Dec 2022 2:00 a.m. PST

Any other info regarding manufacturers past and present is appreciated.

Other ones I can think of doing WW2…

2d6 Wargaming
Butler Prnted Models

(and Adler do infantry, but no vehicles)

Armournaut10 Dec 2022 2:21 a.m. PST

Thanks for the replies.

I wasn't asking specifically about the ones I listed, I'm mainly interested to find out who made the CM marked vehicles and any other (older) manufacturers that were around in the past.

Incidentally all of my 6mm stuff is WW2.

stephen m10 Dec 2022 9:09 a.m. PST

Other WWII land included Skytrex (some of which are now owned by H&R- at least some of the aircraft) and in volume 1 of Tank Battles in Miniature (1973) by Featherstone he mentions Leicester Microtank. I haven't heard of them before or since and I have been doing this since '73. I do have some mk VI light tanks and a few other minis for which I have no idea whose they are so maybe…

If you want suggestions for aircraft as well there are a few more sources.

Whirlwind12 Dec 2022 2:32 a.m. PST

I *think* Leicester microtanks ended up being the basis for the Irregular Miniatures range?

There was also Knight Designs 6mm but I can't remember off-hand if they did WW2 in 6mm (they did WW2 in other microscales, but not sure about 6). Next time I notice one of their ads in an old magazine I will try to remember to find out.

Armstrong also did some but I believe those models got folded into Scotia and/or C-in-C?

John Armatys13 Dec 2022 3:28 p.m. PST

Whirlwind is quite right about the Irregular range being based on the Leicester Micromodels ones

Armournaut15 Dec 2022 6:31 a.m. PST

Thanks for the added info. Still no idea about my minis with CM on the underside.

Whirlwind15 Dec 2022 3:06 p.m. PST

combat miniatures? link

Armournaut16 Dec 2022 1:08 p.m. PST

I had a look at the website Whirlwind and they appear to be resin castings or 3D printed but the models I have are cast lead alloy – did they used to produce metal miniatures…?


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