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"10mm Finnish figures" Topic

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Jae Nopatronymic07 Dec 2022 7:49 a.m. PST


Just discovered Crossfire & am attempting to start the Finnish Karelian Offensive part of Operation Barbarossa in 10mm so I need Finnish troops in summer gear. Pendraken do a very limited selection & it's not possible to get all troop types in all winter or all summer gear. Is there any other manufacturer that has these troops? Can I substitute other nationalities' figures at this scale?



RittervonBek07 Dec 2022 9:49 a.m. PST

Have you looked at the pendraken ww1 Austrians? In 10mm the style of uniform is not too different and a paint job might suffice.

Steamingdave207 Dec 2022 11:52 a.m. PST

From a quick image search, there doesn't seem to be much difference between a Finnish uniform and German one. I have seen pictures where headgear is more like Russian steel helmets, others where the figure is wearing a cap like those Germans wore in the desert.
In 10mm, I think I would go for German figures, with a few Russians or Poles for variety.

Griefbringer08 Dec 2022 4:58 a.m. PST

In small scales, using German figures in summer clothes should be close enough for gaming purposes, especially for riflemen. Naturally some of the weapons are different (especially MGs), though if you are going for the regular Crossfire practice of representing a squad with three figures you perhaps don't need to worry too much about showing all the LMGs.

Jae Nopatronymic08 Dec 2022 8:36 a.m. PST

Thanks for the prompt replies & all great suggestions, guys. I'll check 'em out & let you know what worked for me.


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