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"How to make flames for flame throwers" Topic

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Ryan Rabies03 Dec 2022 4:06 a.m. PST

Hello fellow enthusiasts, here's my YouTube video on how to make and painty flames for your flame throwing units. I'm working in 15mm scale, but one can easily adapt this to 20mm or 28, etc.

YouTube link

14Bore03 Dec 2022 9:25 a.m. PST

Nice work showing how to make it.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2022 12:57 p.m. PST

The modelling is great and I have seen several similar efforts at this effect, all slightly different.

Funny thing that the world's nations managed to ban toxic gas attacks (with varying degrees of success from the late 30s to the present day) but not deliberately firing an inflammable liquid at a human being.

I guess putting an 88 into an M4 glacis plate could have the same effect, or dropping incendiaries onto Hamburg or Tokyo civilians, let alone Phosphorus shells or Napalm strikes.

Cruel world. But I guess, if I was a US Marine on Iwo Jimo, I would rather see them burn alive in their bunker than have to face them head on.

I like Napoleonics, because you might get both legs blown off, or be captured by rapacious cossacks in 1812, or seized by the Uhlans (nasty that) but you would not die in flames (except for Hougoumont, Moscow, Plancenoit, Battle of the Nile etc etc etc)

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