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"Two bazookas on an 'armoured' jeep" Topic

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Warspite129 Nov 2022 3:43 a.m. PST

Extemporised weapons and armour often occur in the field with soldiers displaying an IKB (I Know Better) factor and coming up with something which R&D either never considered or else would never allow.

Thus we have:




The photos are dated January 1945 and the snow suggests NW Europe, probably around the German border. The unit is identified as the U.S. 60th Infantry Regt of the 9th Infantry Division.
The crudeness of the 'armour' suggests that any modeller with a bit of plastic card and access to two bazooka models could lash this one up in an evening.
The mounting looks a bit clumsy but it would give a jeep recon unit a little bit of useful firepower at a pinch.


Warspite129 Nov 2022 4:00 a.m. PST

For those of you not aware I am a keen photographer and admin or edit numerous groups on Flickr which have wargaming or model-making applications.

Tanks and Armoured Cars (no artillery):

Artillery (includes self-propelled artillery):

Military Trucks, Lorries and Soft Vehicles:

Normandy 1944 (my late father is the avatar)

Range Targets and Wrecks:

I was also gifted PANZER (any armoured vehicle) when that group's admin withdrew and left it in my hands:

The Range Targets group was started for just that but I have now extended its remit to any destroyed vehicle from army firing ranges or the battlefield. Ideal inspiration for model-makers looking for damaged or destroyed vehicles. They rust very quickly.

Flickr is generally searchable by vehicle type (provided the poster has tagged and labelled it) but each group contains many pages of photos which you can scroll through at your leisure. You can also go to one photographers work and just look at his or her pictures.

Separately the U.S. Signal Corps archive is also on Flickr and regularly posts material which I then invite to my groups (above).
You can find that here:
While mostly US some Allied forces turn up in their stream from time to time – most recently British Universal Carriers and Shermans moving in the snow.

Barry Slemmings

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2022 5:22 a.m. PST

Interesting thanks. Does it qualify as an anti tank mobile vehicle in the rules. 😉

Warspite129 Nov 2022 5:54 a.m. PST

Depending on your rule system I would say yes.
I would also suggest there can be only one and it has to deploy with at least three other jeeps as part of a recon unit, etc.


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2022 7:05 a.m. PST

Thanks. Sort of a "Rat Patrol" like unit.
So to speak.

0ldYeller29 Nov 2022 9:05 a.m. PST

I believe the Airfix 1/72 British Airborne Jeep kit has an option for the twin Bazookas.

Korvessa Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2022 10:15 a.m. PST

I wonder if it is more of a morale booster than actually effective?

I always assumed bazookas needed to hit things low, where the armor was not as thick (or wheels, etc.)

Warspite129 Nov 2022 10:51 a.m. PST

It's a quick bit of return fire for anything they might come across. If an MG 42 suddenly lets rip then pop one rocket to get the shooters' heads down and the pop the other with a better aim in the few seconds before they get their heads up again.


14Bore29 Nov 2022 12:38 p.m. PST

Pretty sure a Bird plane ( small observation but off hand don't remember the type) but a couple bazooka mounted under wings and did nock out some vehicles in WWII

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP29 Nov 2022 12:45 p.m. PST

That was Charles Carpenter aka Bazooka Charlie:


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