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"A the Men Who Would Be Kings Rules AAR" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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CaptainDarling18 Nov 2022 5:22 a.m. PST

This fortnight we played another the Men Who Would Be Kings rules game!

Dave and George commanded the Mahdi force and (poor) Maurice the Egyptian Army.

We choose the It's Awfully Quiet Out There! Scenario.

The Game…

Turn 1 the Mahdi onrush started whilst the Egyptian Units deployed and the Gatling Gun opened fire inflicting the first casulaties on the attackers.

Turns 2 to 4 saw the Mahdi plan unfold their fire Units felling a few of the defenders from one flank while the Tribal Foot closed from the other. During this time the poor fire power of the Egyptians showed as they scored only a few hits whilst their British Brethren in Close Order cut a swathe into the charging Mahdi biut much to the dismay of the Egyptian player they passed their Pin Tests!

Turns 5- 10 with the range closed the Natives proved their worth in hand to hand combat. The defenders did score some small successes including the decimated British Unit who were forced from the high ground counter attacking successfully pushing the Mahdi back and not only retaking the rise but almost eliminating their foes! Elsewhere though it was a blood bath with three defending Units destroyed.

Night fell ending with the British holding (just) their position and the Mahdists retiring into the desolate scrub from whence they appeared.

Both sides claimed victory but looking at the victory conditions it was a decisive victory to the Mahdi!

Some pictures…

A close up of the Defending Column, this is the Egyptian figures first game!


Mahdi Sir, Thousands of them!


The hand to hand begins!


The defenders perimeter and numbers shrink!


The battlefield at the end of the game, a bit plain looking but very functional…


There are a lot more pictures , the OOBs and full AAR on the TGOG blog here…


cavcrazy18 Nov 2022 8:03 a.m. PST

Looked to be a great game was played, very exciting. My group is playing a game this weekend, hopefully the Egyptian troops in our game can hold….I think I want to play the natives!

Tabletop General25 Nov 2022 12:14 p.m. PST

Looks awesome, I am going through the rules as part of my preparation to jump into Colonial Wargaming. Great report!

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