hi EEE ya  | 08 Nov 2022 9:37 a.m. PST |
Hi there , Please do you knowW where to find dinosaurs with a kitschy look like those seen in the two 1933 films "King Kong" and his sequel, titled "Son of Kong", models such as the X-PLUS King Kong model and the XPlus Tyrannosaurus Rex model which looks like brothers to those of the 1933 movie "King Kong", thank you. Paskal |
Parzival  | 08 Nov 2022 8:15 p.m. PST |
What size or scale? These at DollarTree are about 9" tall/long, and suitably cheesy: link They have smaller ones as well. |
colgar6 | 09 Nov 2022 1:13 a.m. PST |
Antediluvian Miniatures have some "retro" dinosaur models suitable for use with 28mm human figures: link . They're very nice, but not particularly cheap. |
Twoheart | 09 Nov 2022 9:30 a.m. PST |
Google Schleich. They are pretty good. Farm and Fleet stocks em. So does Michael's Hobby and Craft. |
hi EEE ya  | 10 Nov 2022 8:40 a.m. PST |
Thank you all, but see the styles of the two XPLUS figures that I design and you will see what style of models that I am looking for. |
Parzival  | 10 Nov 2022 1:00 p.m. PST |
Well, since there's no link to a design or XPLUS, whatever that is, it's hard to judge what you look you seek. |
hi EEE ya  | 11 Nov 2022 1:26 p.m. PST |
Yes it's true, there are only the two variants of King Kong and the tyranosaurus from XPLUS and nothing is comparable to them. They should have made all the dinosaurs that we see in the two movies of 1933, not just the tyranosaurus. |
Parzival  | 11 Nov 2022 4:53 p.m. PST |
Yeah, I'm not typing "XPLUS" into a search engine in this day and age.  |
42flanker | 13 Nov 2022 2:52 a.m. PST |
Reassuringly un-exciting, actually "At XPLUS, we've made it our mission to prepare you for this. Our Business and IT Architects and project managers empower you to implement structural change and achieve lasting results with proven methods and tools adapted to your organization. Put yourself in the driving seat Businesses need to innovate and digitalize to stay at the top. -oh,and this. link |
hi EEE ya  | 13 Nov 2022 2:59 a.m. PST |
Thank you but Godzilla, we don't care! |
allismom3 | 19 Mar 2023 5:17 a.m. PST |
Apologies for the thread necro, but I ran across these dinos in 15mm link |
etotheipi  | 03 Apr 2023 10:37 a.m. PST |
From the search link 42flanker provided, "XPLUS Godzilla" = chibi Godzilla. amzn.to/40DeWHk amzn.to/40XqvZW Funko Pop probably gives the best span or results, but I'm a fan of plush for chibi, so… YMMV |
hi EEE ya  | 26 May 2024 2:11 a.m. PST |
@etotheipi Thank you for the mini dinosaurs which may be useful. |