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"RAFM 15mm figures for “Striker”" Topic

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Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:14 a.m. PST

For Traveller fans out there, RAFM is still making many (but not necessarily all) of the Traveller/Striker 15mm figures originally produced by Citadel. Those figures were originally available in thematic boxes, as shown on this website:

In addition to the broadly-themed boxes they were also marked in specific unit sets, as shown here:

RAFM sells them today, but the organization doesn't quite match the original packages:

After ordering from RAFM (with the explicit intention of replicating some of the Striker sets), I now have a pretty good idea of which figure from each of the four boxed sets is available in the various RAFM sets, so I will post those in subsequent messages for general reference. If you order large quantities, RAFM will let you specify which figures you want; the numbers I will use are the designations in the four boxed sets, which are cast into the figure bases. These can be easily matched to the images of the figures for the Striker sets.

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:22 a.m. PST

Set 7012 (Infantry Pack 1)
1 x T2-13 (hi tech SL w/ gauss rifle)
1x T2-15 High tech toe w/RAM GL
1x T2-16 High tech tpr w/PGMP-12
1x T2-14 Hi tech tpr w/gauss rifle
1x T2-17 hi tech tpr gauss/grav
1x T2-18 hi tech tpr battledress/PGMP-13
1x T2-19 hi tech tpr bd/PGMP-13
1x T2-20 hi tech tpr bd/FGMP-14
1x missile tpr (not in a boxed set but included in "Striker Set 6 Mercenary Unit"

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:27 a.m. PST

Set 7013 (Infantry Pack #2)

1x T2-5 mid-tech SL w/ ACR
2x T2-6 mid-tech tpr w ACR
2xT2-7 mid-tech tpr w/ lt aslt rifle
2x T2-8 mid-tech tpr w/RAM GL
1x T2-12 mid-tech aid man w/ pack

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:31 a.m. PST

Set 7018 (Infantry pack 3)

6x T3-13 Marine in BD w/ Acc Rfl
2x T3-14 Marine in BD w/RAM GL
1x T3-15 Marine in BD "at ease"
1x T3-16 Marine in BD w/snub pistol

Note that, unlike many of the other figures in previous posts, these come originally from "Box 3- Ship's Crew," rather than "Box 2- the military."

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:33 a.m. PST

Set 7020 (Infantry Pack 4)

1x T2-1 low tech officer w/revolver
6x T2-2 low tech tpr w/rifle
2x T2-3 low tech tpr w/LMG
1x T2-4 low tech tpr w/5cm mortar

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:38 a.m. PST

Set 7022 (Padded Armore Troops)
1x T1-3 Adventurer in vac suit w/snub pistol
5x T1-4 Adv in vac suit w/acc rifle
1x T1-2 Adv in vac suit w/repair kit
1x T3-18 crewman in vac suit w/repair kit
1x T3-19 crewman in vac suit w/snub pistol
1x T3-20 crewman in vac suit w/snub pistol

Note that these are drawn from Boxed Set 1 (Adventurers) and Boxed Set 3 (Ship's Crew).

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:41 a.m. PST

Set 7023 (Planetary Militia)

2x T1-08 adventurer in casual dress w/RAM GL
3x T1-12 adv in survival dress w/ACR
1x T3-05 chief engineer w/hand computer
1x T3-06 engineering crewman
1x T4-02 uniformed official w/snub pistol

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:42 a.m. PST

Set 7026 (Powered Armor Infantry)

Probably BP M-1 through M-6, shown as originally available only in blister packs.

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 9:44 a.m. PST

That wraps up what I have; YMMV and no guarantees the figure offerings won't change in any given pack, but for those fans of the LBB era still out there, hope this is useful.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2022 10:11 a.m. PST

Thanks! I hope you paint them and post pictures.

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 11:48 a.m. PST

Need a bit of a palate cleanser after a bazillion Napoleonics.

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2022 11:52 a.m. PST

Always liked those minis. Bought a load of them when the game came out. We could never quite get our heads around the rule mechanics though.

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian06 Nov 2022 12:44 p.m. PST

Try Striker II, basically Command Decision

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 2:48 p.m. PST

Is it scaled for 15mm?

SII is basically a completely different game- platoon stands, rather than fire teams, and brigade or battalion level command.

emckinney06 Nov 2022 3:09 p.m. PST

Does anyone sell the Martian Metals 15mm Traveller figures?

Thresher0106 Nov 2022 6:33 p.m. PST

I'm not aware of anyone selling the MM ones, which is a shame.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2022 7:03 p.m. PST

Thanks for the info, npr.

stephen m06 Nov 2022 7:16 p.m. PST

I actually had the original Citadel boxed sets. Still have the boxes (holding period correct Traveller stuff) but no minis. Must have sold or traded them somewhere. I bought all the RAFM sets in hopes of refilling the original mixes.

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 8:09 p.m. PST

I have Citadel box #2 ("The Military") and checked the minis against it. I haven't found every single piece from that set, but I haven't ordered every RAFM set, either. My goal was to replicate some of the units from this page:


There are a few I haven't found, notably T2-11, the "mid tech laser loader/spotter with laser carbine" which I think was sculpted from the picture in the original Book 4 Mercenary. I have an original, may need to see if I can cast duplicates in resin or something, if I can't find it.

Nine pound round06 Nov 2022 8:21 p.m. PST

This website:

Says RAFM distributed some of the Martian Metals figures. If you scroll down to the bottom, there's a section on vehicles with a picture that's a little fuzzy, but the tracked vehicle looks like something RAFM had in the 15mm six-fi section until they updated their site a few weeks ago (and put some other good stuff up). I don't know whether RAFM has the molds, though.

ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa08 Nov 2022 11:12 a.m. PST

Isn't the 'mid tech laser loader/spotter' front rank far left? Granted he looks to be leaning forward a bit much – the photo and the paint job don't help. One of my favourite sculpts – in fact I think the range in general has a quality that still holds its own today.
I lucked out with a couple of bulk 15mm sci-fi purchases on eBay and established a fairly substantial collection with only a few extra high-tec troops ordered from RAFM.

Nine pound round08 Nov 2022 7:26 p.m. PST

Virtually every piece comes with the number (T2-11 or whatever) marked on the underside of the stand. None had T2-11, and I asked Brock at RAFM about them, but he didn't seem to think he had that particular casting.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2022 12:31 a.m. PST


We could never quite get our heads around the rule mechanics though.

Sorry to hear that! Striker is a lot of fun once you, um, get your head around the rules.

Stalkey and Co02 Jan 2023 2:12 p.m. PST

@ OP
Thanks a bunch for putting this up!

I reached out to RAFM and got great customer service from Brock. I sent him pics of the original platoon forces of 20 figs, and he matched the sets for me.

The figs still look great, crisp and clean white metal. The Perry sculpts have stood the test of time and look great! Highly recommended!

Brock liked my suggestion of offering them as the original platoon packs also, and so that may come about. Uncertain if there's any issue with IP or anything re: the STriker / Traveller moniker. We'll see.

deflatermouse02 Feb 2023 4:49 p.m. PST

This is excellent work.
Would you know who has the moulds for the K'Kree? I would really like to see them back for sale.

Stalkey and Co06 Feb 2023 8:01 a.m. PST

Great question!
I'd reach out to Brock at RAFM – he may know.
Also, Marc Miller is still active in the Traveller IP and can be reached by email, so the story goes.

But I'd start with Brock…

Nine pound round12 Feb 2023 5:05 p.m. PST

Strongly second the recommendation to talk with Brock, he was very good to deal with, and extremely helpful.

Nine pound round08 Mar 2023 5:45 a.m. PST

Did anyone ever find out whether RAFM has the old Martian Metals molds?

Thresher0113 Mar 2023 2:06 p.m. PST

I don't know, but am interested in the MM minis.

I thought I recall mention that the MM ones were owned by a company in Germany, but perhaps that is another range. That was decades ago too, when I inquired last.

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