"Fight for Defanovka" Topic
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Tango01  | 31 Oct 2022 9:01 p.m. PST |
"For a long time, more than two months, we did not return to games based on the Russian Civil War. I don't know anyone, but I'm bored. And this Saturday, with the consent of my friend and affinity Oleg Shevtsov, we decided to return to the games. There were several reasons for this. Well, I have already expressed the first (I have not played for a long time), and the second and, perhaps, the most important, is that Oleg has seriously increased his army. Finally, he listened to me and got figurines not only from the Kornilovites, but also from other parts of the White Army. This is great, as you can now more variably approach building a game army. Of course, in this game I wanted to play for the whites, together with Oleg, but our "full-time" Red Army soldiers were impressed for various reasons and I had to oppose Oleg with the Reds, since I have a decent Taman army in my armory. The main thing in the game is to recruit an army for loans. This is not a small job, because the result depends (mostly) on it. No, of course, tactics and strategy are not important. But very often, a single new battalion is not enough to win…" UT
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