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JPChris5630 Oct 2022 5:02 a.m. PST


Here's hoping that you might find something of interest in the following "essay" – please visit:


Thanks in advance for your time.


Mr Elmo30 Oct 2022 5:32 a.m. PST

I'll wait for the tl;dr version

GildasFacit Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Oct 2022 8:02 a.m. PST

Hi Chris

Phil Halewood is definitely still with us and still wargaming. Most of the crew that he games with have played together for many, many years and still play on a fairly regular basis. Playing today I think but I couldn't make it this week.

I don't think his ideas have changed much since the letter.

I took over the layout of Slingshot not long after the letter was published so your notes are a blast from the past for me.

Tony of TTT

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP30 Oct 2022 11:43 a.m. PST

Chris, I'm glad you put those quotes around "essay." You really need a thesis statement fairly early on, and brief summaries of those other three essays as well as links. But to the extent I follow your thinking--well, I'm suspicious of "progress" as a concept when it comes to wargaming. Lots of people with very different ideas of what an ideal game would be, and the fellow writing about progress usually means by it moving toward where he wants to go. If I have a different end point, I'm standing in the way of progress.

Let each of us go toward where we individually want to go: there's usually enough overlap that we can learn from one another. (OK, perhaps not between me and the people who want to "advance gaming" by phasing out historical miniatures wargaming.) But we should each have some idea what a good game would be. Otherwise, the old naval adage applies: "For a captain with no destination, no wind is favorable."

Hal Thinglum Supporting Member of TMP30 Oct 2022 12:26 p.m. PST

Always enjoy your thought provoking articles/writing, Chris. I thought your article in MWAN on the invasion of England qas one of the best. It accounted for my huge Essex 15mm ECW effort . Good to hear from you, my old MWAN friend. Hope you Are well. Are you on Facebook? Hal

UshCha30 Oct 2022 1:47 p.m. PST

Was this the "Changing Face of War gaming"? To me it was totally irrelevant. War gaming is about how you simulate the real world. All I saw was drivel about card game mechanisms without a single reference as to how these improved simulation.

That is not the "changing face of war games" it's about folk who just want to play fantasy "something". I never saw card games as relevant to war gaming. I don't recall any Military text referring to the need for cards in war gaming.

JPChris5631 Oct 2022 3:42 a.m. PST

Rather appropriate that I sign in this morning to check on things . . . "Scary" to see the number of "hits" and number of comments. But a good scary.

Taking the comments/remarks in the order they were made:

Mr. Elmo – I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by "tl;dr" version.

GildasF – Please to read that Phil is still alive and wargaming. Please relate my regards or show him the relevant points of the post. Belated thanks for your work with Slingshot. The journal has had a rocky couple of years, IMO, but hope springs eternal.

RobertP – Fair enough. I believe I stated early on, or at least at a couple of points that the post was a collection of thoughts and maybe some ideas. In other words, it was me putting words to thoughts, though not in an academic format. As for links, I thought I provided or included these in the body. Summaries can be tricky if not subjective, which is why I try to provide links so that interested readers can draw their own conclusions. Appreciated your second paragraph . . . quite liked the naval adage. I may borrow it.

HalT – Very good to "hear" from you sir! How's retirement? How are the kids (the ones who stuck on the labels way back when)? I hope all is well. Thanks for your kind words on my counterfactual re the Armada landing in merry ole England. I am not on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Missing out? Perhaps. But, when I am at the gym and I see people sitting at equipment "glued" to their phones, well . . . Very good to "hear" from you as well. What are you up to now with your gaming?

UshCha – Sorry that you found the post "totally irrelevant" and thought that the "drivel" about card games was a waste of your time, if I understand your point/points correctly. Guessing that by "military text" you are referring to current US army field manuals or perhaps the narratives of Polybius, Diodorus, et al. Maybe Clausewitz? At the risk of "poking the bear," I gather that Simon Miller's To The Strongest! rules (card driven and no rulers required) do not count as relevant or "true" or "pure" wargaming?

Thanks to all for taking the time to read and think and write a comment or two.


Mr Elmo31 Oct 2022 3:56 a.m. PST

Mr. Elmo – I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by "tl;dr" version.

I clicked on the link and kept scrolling to get to the point.

TL;DR or tl;dr, short for "too long; didn't read", is internet slang to say that some text being replied to has been ignored because of its length.

GildasFacit Sponsoring Member of TMP31 Oct 2022 7:23 a.m. PST


my slang for 'too pathetic, didn't read'

JPChris5602 Nov 2022 2:29 a.m. PST

Thanks for the education in TMP acronyms, gents.

At the risk of engaging, I might add this one:


"I may not bother to read what you have written, but I will defend to the death my right to criticize it."

Reference: link

Thanks again to all who took the time to read and comment. Appreciated.

I wish you good gaming as 2022 winds down.


Stoppage02 Nov 2022 8:33 p.m. PST

Tough audience!




I assume the one that wrote these words is a good friend who can get away with being totally rude. Nevertheless – struck off my Xmas card list forthwith.

On a more positive note I recommend this board game – and others by Martin Wallace:

Boardgamegeek – Waterloo

PS. I sometimes prefix a summary "TL;DR" to spare having to read a long text.


Irrelevant drivel about simulations

The Long Text:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in purus eget libero luctus pretium. Maecenas ante ex, sodales et enim et, sollicitudin maximus tortor. Nullam odio ipsum, tristique sit amet laoreet convallis, tempor et massa. Nullam sed vulputate ligula. Vivamus nec orci et elit posuere venenatis vel ut sapien. Nulla facilisi. Donec id nisi placerat, tincidunt ipsum nec, tempus sem. Vivamus et lorem auctor, molestie leo vitae, ultricies odio. Phasellus bibendum sollicitudin elit, sed tempor ipsum maximus ut. Mauris sed rutrum diam, et molestie dui. Phasellus consequat velit et velit sagittis, a gravida sapien feugiat. In ultrices mauris non justo vulputate, sollicitudin blandit purus fermentum. Maecenas quis diam a lacus convallis convallis non at justo. Fusce lobortis leo a mi vestibulum sodales in et sapien. Morbi cursus diam quis quam lacinia, eu laoreet augue interdum.

Vivamus lobortis velit sed aliquet egestas. Nulla rutrum erat at rutrum luctus. Integer maximus, erat eu scelerisque porttitor, arcu tellus tempus nunc, id ullamcorper metus dolor ac sapien. Nunc viverra lorem vel nisi feugiat posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi pulvinar augue quis libero fringilla, et vestibulum augue rhoncus. Fusce et tellus massa. Maecenas quam velit, sollicitudin vel orci nec, facilisis iaculis elit. Fusce sodales lorem et tincidunt ultrices. Quisque vel enim mattis, consectetur justo sit amet, viverra mi.

Suspendisse potenti. Aenean dictum luctus malesuada. Nullam malesuada cursus posuere. Nulla laoreet, nisi vitae congue consectetur, nisi massa placerat massa, a placerat ante elit sed leo. Donec rutrum fringilla quam vel euismod. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla malesuada eleifend risus. Nulla nulla orci, pulvinar sit amet elit sed, fermentum interdum nulla. Etiam in orci accumsan, vehicula nulla at, efficitur ex.

Duis quis massa erat. Aenean pellentesque ante eget arcu maximus porttitor. Integer imperdiet ex eu porttitor facilisis. Mauris enim purus, facilisis eget tempor ac, bibendum ac mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam hendrerit bibendum metus semper egestas. Nunc non odio accumsan, facilisis quam quis, vulputate urna.

In augue magna, aliquet eu aliquam eu, egestas ut ex. Fusce ullamcorper nisi at elit condimentum commodo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin efficitur, velit sit amet euismod dapibus, ante mi tincidunt libero, non efficitur risus felis vitae enim. Duis nibh odio, faucibus ac sodales eget, eleifend ac massa. In pellentesque velit ultricies risus facilisis, id cursus neque interdum. Integer sed scelerisque felis, a vehicula dui. Integer arcu velit, rutrum et massa a, molestie laoreet dolor. Aenean rutrum turpis in venenatis laoreet. Aliquam tempus, augue ac tempus luctus, nisi mauris blandit odio, et pulvinar arcu elit sed ex. Fusce quis quam quis nulla dapibus pretium ut dapibus lectus. Aenean aliquet porttitor nulla vitae finibus.

UshCha08 Nov 2022 10:16 a.m. PST

Stoppage We English now don't do Latin and to be honest it's a dogs dinner in an auto translation. However it may be a case of rubbish in rubbish out ;-).

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