Can anyone make this example work out to 200 points given the instructions? If so, can you please post your work? ;-)
Additionally, no fortification, however well constructed, should grant defenders within its protective walls a bonus of greater than +10 to General Defense, and +4 to Hand-to-Hand defense when this defensive statistic is used for grenade attacks or other area of effect weapons.
Fortifications can not be made bomb (air strike) proof.
The cost of an advanced fortification should be calculated as follows:
Per Vehicle-type wound the fort can withstand: 5 points
Per Unit that fits within and can fire at opposing units: 5 points
Per Sighted Weapon Defense point added: 10 points
Per Hand-to-Hand bonus against area of effect weapons: 10 points
An 8-man bunker with 12 wounds that provides +10 to General Defense, but that is fully susceptible to grenade and area of effect (bazooka, flamethrower, etc.) attacks would therefore cost 200 points.