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"Help expanding 15mm Jacobite Rebellion collection" Topic

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Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP11 Oct 2022 9:04 p.m. PST

I recently bought a 15mm 1745 Jacobite Rebellion collection (from from mikec260) and I need to drastically expand the government troops so the hordes of nicely painted Highlanders have someone to charge at. I'm running into a few problems sourcing figures. I bet some of you can help.

Problem 1
I bought a bunch of packs of the OG15s British regulars. I'm making big units, so I have a lot of OG15s command figures left over. I have enough command figures to make another 9 units, if I can buy the hatmen and grenadiers separately. Can anyone recommend a figure line that is size-compatible with the OG15s?

Problem 2
I have several small 12-figure units I want to double in size, but I can't identify the figures. I'm hoping someone here can help. Pictured are three of the units:

British (yellow cuffs/turnbacks)

Berwick's Irish

Royal Eccosais

All of these are notably smaller than the OG15s (so they won't mix), but not as thin and weedy as my Stone Mountain 15mm AWI figures, and not as chunky as Frontier or Essex. They seem about Freikorps sized (compared to my FPW and Maximilian Adventure figures), but they aren't from any figure range I can see on the QRF site, and close up they seem less detailed. None of the poses match Lancashire or Minifigs that I can find in photos. Does anyone recognize them?

If I can't match them, I'm willing to mix with another manufacturer. Who else sells figures in a similar pose?

All help appreciated.

- Ix

Sharpe5211 Oct 2022 11:54 p.m. PST

I would say they are Minifigs.

RittervonBek12 Oct 2022 12:52 a.m. PST

I would agree. The bayonets are always super sized.

jsmcc9112 Oct 2022 4:11 a.m. PST

Call Steve or Drew at OG15s and they can run you a pack without command.

Personal logo Stosstruppen Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2022 5:31 a.m. PST

I don't think they are Minifig. I have never seen Minifig cuffs sculpted like that. Too much detail on the drums and on the NCO pike. Can't offer an opinion on what they might be though…..

Steamingdave212 Oct 2022 10:25 a.m. PST

Re OG. The Eureka infantry are a good size match for OG; I have both in my SYW army.
I bought 150 grenadiers directly from OG in USA (I live in UK), the company was very helpful ( British Royal Mail less so, as they wanted to collect duty on the purchase) so you could certainly get the hat men and grenadiers by that route if you wanted to.
Can't help on identifying the other figures; don't Look like Minifigs to me and the Essex figures that I own have very distinctive noses and look much chunkier.

Swampking12 Oct 2022 12:54 p.m. PST

The 1st pic is the old Washington Wars AWI line, aka Jeff Valent Miniatures (the hatmen, drummer and standard bearer – not sure about the officer). Essex mix well with them, as does Miniature Figurines. They may be a bit 'stiffer' but I've mixed them in my Norwegian 1788 army.

The 2nd and 3rd pics – I was thinking Irregular or Falcon Figures UK but I'm not sure about that. Some of the hatmen (especially the 2nd pic) bear a striking resemblance to Editions Brokaw but I'd have to hold them to make sure. Editions Brokaw 7YW range was true 15mm, meaning they would be dwarves compared to OG15s. They also might be Roundway. I'll have to look at my Roundway to see. Roundway did a separate pack of NCOs with polearms, so my guess is that they are Roundway.

In my Jacobite army, I have: Roundway, Essex, OG15s, Miniature Figurines, Jeff Valent (Washington's Wars), Lancashire (the new French are gorgeous but do not mix, as they are way too big), and QRF. Admittedly, they are not mixed on the same stands but some are mixed in the same clans/units.

Regarding OG15s – it all depends on what you mean by 'match'. Miniature Figurines match in height with OG15s Jacobite line, Essex are a bit 'leaner' and shorter, depending on the mini. QRF are both leaner and shorter. Irregular might work, as might Warrior – again, it really depends on your taste. As stated, the 'new' Lancashire French, while gorgeous minis look like they've eaten Chateaubriand for breakfast, lunch and supper – they're way too big to be compatible but on the tabletop, from a distance, may not stand out that badly. I just hope they don't get involved in a melee with my Brits – they'll look like giants next to OG15s!

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2022 12:23 p.m. PST

Swampking prompted me to go check my box of unpainted AWI for Washington's Wars figures. I didn't finish looking (how did my box of unpainted AWI get so full?!?!), but I did notice that Peter Pig miniatures are compatible. They're slightly smaller, but not enough to notice, and the sculpting style is close enough. My best option may be to add some PP figures and blend that unit into my AWI collection. They'll fit right in.

Tom Dye popped up on FB and identified the French regulars as old Minifigs. He used to cast them, so I think I can trust his opinion. grin

Since 1st gen Minifigs are all long out of production and expensive when they come up on eBay, I guess I'm now on the hunt for compatible figures. Or I'll have to sell off those units and get new ones painted to replace them. Either way… ugh.

- Ix

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2022 12:26 p.m. PST

jsmcc91 said:

Call Steve or Drew at OG15s and they can run you a pack without command.

I sent an email to the contact address asking if I can do this. I need some French without command too, so if this is a possibility, I may have a sizeable order to place.

- Ix

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