"Fort Saganne: : Charge à la baïonnette dans le désert" Topic
8 Posts
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Old Contemptible  | 05 Oct 2022 6:06 p.m. PST |
This is a scene form one of my favorite movies "Fort Saganne." The DVD comes with subtitles. YouTube link |
Shagnasty  | 06 Oct 2022 9:53 a.m. PST |
I've never heard of this film. It is an interesting twist on the "legion in the fort" films. |
Old Contemptible  | 06 Oct 2022 1:42 p.m. PST |
It's not well known in the US. I don't believe it was ever released here. Very underrated colonial era film. Came out in 1984 to great fanfare in France. Be sure if you buy the DVD that it is made for the US region and that it has English subtitles. I have the double VHS tape and I just recently ordered the DVD. |
jurgenation  | 06 Oct 2022 4:17 p.m. PST |
Lilian | 16 Oct 2022 4:42 a.m. PST |
at least this time nothing to do with the ad nauseum overestimated Foreign Legion-Hollywood and Beau Geste folklore concerns the forgotten but exotic Saharian Companies and others Nomadic Meharists Algerian Goums in Sahara inspired by the life of Lieutenant Gardel of Tidikelt Saharian Company /Affaires Indigènes Officer and the combat of Esseyen in april 1913 at the Southern Saharian Libyan-Algerian confines where 40 Saharian meharists fought 14 hours, including by night, againt 350 Senussi attackers before a bayonet charge Lieutenant Gabriel Gardel link |
Old Contemptible  | 26 Oct 2022 2:38 p.m. PST |
I wish my DVD would get here. Otherwise I have to have my VHS copy converted. |
Old Contemptible  | 29 Nov 2022 8:35 p.m. PST |
I got my DVD with the English subtitles and it is just as great a film as I remember it. I do question the WWI scenes. The Turcos are in green rather than horizon blue. The green looks dead on for 1940. |
Old Contemptible  | 29 Nov 2022 8:43 p.m. PST |
Interesting that I don't remember seeing any native French enlisted personnel. All line officers commanding Turcos. The fort was manned by Trucos which is correct, it is a Hollywood myth that all French forts were garrisoned by the Legion. Most were garrisoned by native troops like the Trucos and then only when necessary, otherwise the fort would remain unmanned for extended periods of time. Good scenes involving the Saphis, Turcos, and the Senegalese Tirailleurs. I had forgotten about that crazy Captain of the Tirailleurs. That was an odd scene but the uniforms were correct. The extended periods of isolation in those forts,"Le Cafard" was a real problem |