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Philotep24 Sep 2022 5:42 a.m. PST

Hi everyone!
Here you are my last painted figure, an Anubite warrior by Dark Alliance. As a fantastic and powerful creature, it is bigger than human beings, and will be a welcome addition to my 1/72 Ancient Egypt Fantasy army.


See you !

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2022 8:43 a.m. PST


Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2022 9:27 a.m. PST

That's great!

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2022 12:37 p.m. PST

I want to order 2-3 boxes of these, in the worst way… I have no fantasy basis for these. I may make something up just so I can convince myself I need these. I know I could paint them quickly, and they're cool as can be. Uggghhh!

Your photos are twisting the knife in my gut. Thanks. Cheers!

Philotep25 Sep 2022 5:23 a.m. PST

Thank you very much for your comments, always very appreciated.

@Sgt Slag: they are cool figures indeed, the one I've painted as a test shot is maybe the less impressive pose of the set. Don't know if you're into Ancients, but it seems rather easy to add a few fantasy elements to a DBA army, so that you have a HOTT army, and I know that the AdG (Art de la Guerre) ruleset also has a Fantasy variant.

Maybe it helps… Cheers!

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP26 Sep 2022 9:49 a.m. PST

Thanks for the response. I play 2e BattleSystem, basing battles off of my FRPG home brewed world. I can put Anubites anywhere I want, but I am leaning towards making them the ancient, long-dead race, destroyed by the gods, 4,000 years earlier. That would make them easier to introduce, and it would be a hoot to bring back the dead race of troublemakers so bad that the gods had to come down and wipe them out to the very last one…

I just love the figures, and I have no normal race of them in my game world, as of now. That is my sticking point. I may have to chew on these for a while. I definitely want to paint up 2-3 boxes of them, without question. Cheers!

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP03 Oct 2022 10:14 a.m. PST

I pulled the trigger: 120 figures (three boxes) delivered, today. They should paint up super-fast: spray-paint the whole figure black (primer + color), then paint the outlying portions which are weapons, clothing, etc.

That ancient, long-dead race, killed by the gods, will make a re-appearance. It will scare my RPG players to the point of needing to change their pants… I am going to enjoy this. Let my players' gnashing of teeth, and hand-wringing, begin! "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!!" Cheers!

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP05 Oct 2022 11:56 a.m. PST

I used Rustoleum Paint + Primer, Matte Black, to paint my mini's. Here is a photo of a naked plastic figure standing alongside of a Primed Black figure. Notice how the sculpted details have vanished in the black paint…

Note, also, that the naked plastic figure has not had any washes applied -- that is bare plastic, straight out of the box. I am impressed with the level of sculpted detail in these injection molded minis! Check out the fingers of the middle figure's left hand. Remember, these are 29mm tall figures, injection molded out of low quality, thermal plastic.

I will try applying a White Magic Wash (Pledge Floor Shine + white acrylic paint) to some test figures, tonight, to see if that brings out the sculpted details. If the White does not work, i might try a medium to lite blue Magic Wash. I'll probably try both colors on a couple of test minis to see which I like better -- if I like either one!

I may go with Bronze weapons and armor, borrowing a page from the Percy Jackson stories. I will likely go with Copper weapons and armor for Leader figures, so they stand out to be recognized as Leader figures, for my 2e BattleSystem games.

These mini's could be used for Gnolls, if desired. The price is nice: $0.38 USD per figure, delivered! Cheers!

Philotep07 Oct 2022 9:44 a.m. PST

Hi Sgt Slag, nice to read the description of your highly interesting project, and too bad for your players :D

I'm looking forward to reading more of your project, and I would love to have a look at your figures with these promising color schemes.

But 120 figures! I'm very impressed (and my poor Anubite feels lonely… fortunately, I've just primed 2 others :-D).

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP07 Oct 2022 12:06 p.m. PST

Here are some photo's of the Blue Magic Wash'ed figures, completely dried: frontal view, and side view.

I have some figures which needs bases, first, then black priming/base coat painting. I am on the fence about using the White Magic Wash on them… I really like the Blue Magic Wash results, thus far. I think the blue wash will look better, overall, more 'natural', than the white wash will.

I was very pleasantly surprised at how well the blue wash brought out the sculpting details in the figures. In some cases, it did not bring it out as much as I had hoped, but overall, I am satisfied with the results, thus far.

I hope to spend some time, next week, applying gold, copper, and other colors, to finish one of each of the 10 poses in the set. This will give me a model to base my color schemes off of, for the remaining 110 mini's in the army.

Like I said, I plan to do something different with the leader figures: either a golden weapon, or more likely, a bronze weapon.

I used an expensive Gold acrylic paint to cover a toy Dragon figure, applying Royal Walnut Minwax Polyshades to it, to turn the gold, into Bronze, making a nifty Bronze Dragon. The original factory paint was gold -- I might have gotten away with just applying The Dip Technique to the factory paint [note that you can see the factory, yellow gold, and the antique (darker) gold acrylic I was applying, in this photo prior to The Dip Technique being brushed onto it – see next image], but I did not think of it, until now… I like the Bronze coloration of the Dragon, so my hope is that this will achieve the same result, on the smaller weapon areas on the Anubis figures. Experimentation is King, Baby! Cheers!

Philotep07 Oct 2022 12:22 p.m. PST

Oh thank you for your very quick reply! I love that blue effect, your figures look like 'black bronze' statues with verdigris (vert de gris, in french ;-))

And I alos had a look at the two dragons, I like the second one best – more contrast, thanks to the brown wash.

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