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"Talk Like a Pirate Day" Topic

8 Posts

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Building the Langton Anglo-Dutch British 1st Rate

Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian is a big fan of the Age of Sail, and these ships really speak to him - he loves transitional eras, and the Anglo-Dutch Wars was one of those.

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924 hits since 19 Sep 2022
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Thresher0119 Sep 2022 10:21 a.m. PST

Arrrr, tiz a fyne day indeed ta talk like a pirate, while 'eading out ta sea………..

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP19 Sep 2022 10:49 a.m. PST

'Ere's a question….what be the pirates' favourite letter of the alphabet?

Michael May19 Sep 2022 10:56 a.m. PST

Ahoy Captain Jackson – thated be theh Pyrate alphabet!
ay, aye and arrrgh! (a,i,r)!

Stryderg19 Sep 2022 11:30 a.m. PST

Shiver my timbers! Be it that time o year agin? Double rations o grog for all me men!

Father of Cats Supporting Member of TMP19 Sep 2022 2:18 p.m. PST

I may be a rum cove, but I be drinking' a rum an coke ta cellybrate.

cavcrazy19 Sep 2022 4:16 p.m. PST

So a pirate is meeting his new doctor and of course the doctor needs a medical history and says to the pirate, "I see that you have a wooden leg, how did that happen?'
The pirate says, "In my younger days I was on a whaling ship and Moby Dick himself bit it right off!"
The doctor of course is very impressed.
"I notice that you have a hook for a hand, How did that happen?"
The pirate says, "I was on the Spanish main and got into a sword fight with Black Beard, and he cut it clean off with his sword!"
"Wow!" says the doctor, "That's incredible."
"So tell me why you wear a patch over your eye?"
The pirate says, "It was a clear sunny day, beautiful blue skies, perfect for sailing, as I looked up into the heavens, a seagull pooped right into my eye!"
The doctor looks puzzled and says, "I don't believe that seagull poop would make you lose an eye."
The pirate says, "Well it was the first day with me new hook!"

Londonplod20 Sep 2022 2:05 a.m. PST

The day be over, back to dooty ye lubbers!

Buck21520 Sep 2022 9:23 a.m. PST

Aarrhh, ye land lubbers and bloated cod, does talking like a Porch Pirate on this day count as well? Hear the weeping and wailing as we heist the treasure of Amazon from the porches of all who order online, and not through ship o' the line!

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