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"(Stonewall) Captain 15mm" Topic

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Green Cheek15 Sep 2022 10:06 a.m. PST

I stumbled upon this website selling Vistula legion in 15mm but some older reviews said the casting is subpar. Whats the general concencus on these figures? If not is there a better company that makes vistula in 15mm?

Redcurrant15 Sep 2022 12:09 p.m. PST

AB (to the best of my knowledge) do not make Vistula legion figures, so options are limited.

The Capitan Vistula Legion (in my collection) are BIG figures, standing about 18.5/19mm foot to eye. They are even bigger than the AB Polish infantry.

I am possibly responsible for saying that the casting of some of the Capitan Napoleonic ranges was sub-par, particularly their allies range, of which the Vistula Legion are a part. However, I can advise that the Vistula Legion figures that I bought (albeit some years ago) were very good and consistant in quality. There were no duff positions in the pack.

Green Cheek15 Sep 2022 2:05 p.m. PST

Looks like CGM has 15mm vistula im gonna check that out next

Redcurrant15 Sep 2022 2:42 p.m. PST

Green Cheek – where are the Vistula Legion on the CGM website – I have just looked and they only seem to have the Duchy of Warsaw figures.

Green Cheek15 Sep 2022 2:45 p.m. PST

my mistake. they are in 24mm

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