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42flanker14 Sep 2022 12:18 a.m. PST

I came upon this memoir online. Wilberforce was a subaltern in the 52nd LI.
'An Unrecorded Chapter of the Indian Mutiny. being the personal reminiscences of Reginald G. Wilberforce. compiled from a Diary and Letters written on the spot'


This was republished in 2011 as a 'cheap' reprint (£17/Kindle £4.00 GBP) "With Them Goes Light Bobbee".
No editor is mentioned, the new title taken from a marching song of the 52nd mentioned by the author in the text

" As we were marching down the street
We heard the people say,
There goes a gallant regiment;
They are now marching away.

Away go those brave heroes,
The like we never see more.
And with them goes the light bobbee.
The lad that I adore."

DisasterWargamer Supporting Member of TMP14 Sep 2022 6:03 a.m. PST

Thanks for sharing

Already have found 2 things I need to add to mutiny relief scenarios – coins (labeled treasure) and camels – while I had elephants and bullocks – never considered camels. At a pace of 2 "miles" an hour – he notes the treasure group left camp first and arrived last (pages 78-80)

Nick Stern Supporting Member of TMP14 Sep 2022 9:10 a.m. PST

Thanks for posting!

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