"Any thoughts re: the Tundraworks Lace Wars Kickstarter?" Topic
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LongshotGC  | 04 Sep 2022 10:41 a.m. PST |
I know there was some mixed feedback in 2019 regarding some of Tundraworks' Napoleonics, so I'm interested in getting some thoughts regarding their soon to end Lace Wars Kickstarter. I've never taken the dive into 18th century as a period, but their offering seems like a decent chance to have a go at it. I have zero expertise regarding the period, so I'm hoping anyone who's seen the Kickstarter can offer some opinions about the accuracy, quality and value of what they're showing. I appreciate any input from the folks here. |
Dal Gavan  | 04 Sep 2022 6:43 p.m. PST |
Their initial figures look OK for the WAS and SYW, mate. At least they have the Grenz Officer uniform right, too- most makers give them the shako instead of a tricorne. I'd still be tempted to look at other ranges, and scales, to compare the costs and whether Tundraworks cover all the troop types you thing you'll need. If you want to broaden your knowledge of the WSS and SYW then check Kronoskaf link and link respectively. Dislaimer- I belong to the Kronoskaf group, so am very biased. PS I have a large, painted and based 18mm SYW (all Eureka Miniatures) collection. I still need a few units and I'd be tempted to get some of Tundraworks' figures. |
LongshotGC  | 04 Sep 2022 7:20 p.m. PST |
@Dal Gavan… Thanks VERY much for your perspective, even if it has some admitted bias. I confess to considering the "all in" pledge as a lazy means of equipping myself with the basics to take on a bit of anything through the period. Your thoughts give me probably good pause to put in better, more thorough consideration and planning before dropping $1,500 USD USD without looking at other ranges. Thanks also for the links. A quick glance through promises many hours of education ahead. Cheers! |
Dal Gavan  | 04 Sep 2022 7:46 p.m. PST |
Glad to be of assistance, mate. |
Dye4minis  | 04 Sep 2022 9:31 p.m. PST |
I get tired of seeing their daily spam on 4-5 FB pages. That alone turns me off from looking any more. Nice figs but they have lost me as a prospective customer. I can see advertising when there will be a new release bit dangit….every single day on many pages? |
Dal Gavan  | 04 Sep 2022 10:36 p.m. PST |
I haven't had a FB account for years, Tom. Partly for the reason you list- too much spam. I went looking for their website to see prices, etc, and when I found out they were FB only I stopped looking. |
LongshotGC  | 05 Sep 2022 1:30 a.m. PST |
What Dal Gavan said…haven't ever had a FB account for those types of reasons. I hadn't even thought about the fact that I wouldn't be able to do business with them beyond the Kickstarter, and that's not so great for me. |
Dave Gamer | 06 Sep 2022 5:05 a.m. PST |
You guys DO know you can join Facebook groups and then turn off notifications from those groups so they don't show up in your feeds, right? For instance. I'm in a wargame marketplace group which gets several posts a day but I never see any of them unless I click on the group. The only other problem with FB is that they now show ads and "suggestions" of other groups you might like to subscribe to. The solution for that is to (1) access FB via your web browser and not the FB app and (2) install a free Ad Blocker that blocks FB ads. Problem solved. |
Dye4minis  | 06 Sep 2022 10:05 a.m. PST |
Their ads appear in the form of posts. No ad blocker will stop that. |
DJCoaltrain | 06 Sep 2022 12:27 p.m. PST |
I have 15mm & 25/28mm SYW armies. I also have 28mm FIW & AWI. I've been working on my collections for 30 years. Their minis look good, and I'm mightily tempted. However, after several years with KS hobby projects, I have to decline support. I have learned to avoid projects by groups without already established lines of minis in the same era. My reasons are simple: 1. I want my minis before I die; 2. Sometimes I never got everything for which I paid. I support several projects per year, but I am very discerning as to which I will help. BTW – In all the projects I have supported, not once has anyone ever met their delivery projections. Right now I'm waiting on two KS projects to deliver about a year late. The minis do look good, but carpet bombing TMP with adds is not the way into my hobby allowance. Jus sayin.  |
Dal Gavan  | 06 Sep 2022 2:27 p.m. PST |
@Dave Gamer. The ad's are just part of it, mate. Their terms of service and the fact their security has more holes than a fly screen are bigger concerns. Besides, if a company can't spend $200 USD to have a discrete site (it doesn't have to be a bells and whistles jobbie, just listing their products and purchase via email would do) then I'm not interested. |