D6 Junkie  | 03 Sep 2022 3:55 p.m. PST |
We maybe revisiting these rules. Wondering waht the current edition is. I no longer have my old copy and was wondering if I should get the newest set. |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 03 Sep 2022 4:44 p.m. PST |
Just beware that there are ethics issues with the current publisher. I understand the courts have said they're guilty of not paying sculptors. You might not want to do business with them. |
gamertom  | 03 Sep 2022 5:22 p.m. PST |
Bill is referring to the 4th Edition. The last edition I have a copy of was the 3rd edition published by Lost Battalion Games back around 2009. From what I recall from reading the 3rd edition, it was a cleaned up version of the 1st edition with various 1st edition optional rules having been incorporated into the main rules. The 3rd was nicely done and came in a large box. IIRC (haven't searched for my copy) the 3rd edition had all the scenarios from the original two supplements plus all the nation cards. I mostly remember it used colored cubes instead of the status markers in the 1st edition. My suggestion is to either use the 1st edition (lots of copies made so should still be easy to find at a low price) or to find a copy of the 3rd edition (not nearly as many copies published and probably not cheap). |
dantheman | 03 Sep 2022 5:34 p.m. PST |
Current set is in 4th edition. I never felt it was significantly better. Don't play anymore but kept my 1st edition rules and scenario books. The supplemental scenario books from the first edition are a must regardless of what edition you play, and they are hard to find now. If gamertom is correct I would stick with the 3rd edition if you want newer, if it has all the scenarios. |
Stosstruppen | 03 Sep 2022 6:54 p.m. PST |
Yeah, I'd say stick with 1st Ed or third. Second was horrible due to poor proofing. Third was good but no real differences from 1st. 4th made at least one big change, as far as interpenetration. I doubt any of the editions will be easy to find, though, 1st does pop up for sale frequently. |
nickinsomerset | 03 Sep 2022 8:56 p.m. PST |
The fourth also restricts cavalry follow up movement, as they become blown, Tally Ho! |
nsolomon99 | 04 Sep 2022 3:34 a.m. PST |
I have returned to Napoleon's Battles in the last couple of years as my current "Army" level, whole-of-battle rules set. I use another couple of sets for Corps+ and then Divisional+ level actions. I find 4th Edition to be the smoothest and most complete. The only thing I dislike is that they dropped the Case numbering structure that I found such a strength of 1st Edition all those years ago. I would recommend the online IO Group for Napoleon's Battles. Excellent group with some great resources in the files section. A much cleaner and complete kit of player aids – the charts for each army have been revised into handy cards and the sequence of play has been revised, completed and colour coded. |
Cardinal Ximenez | 04 Sep 2022 10:07 a.m. PST |
nsolomon99 What do you mean by "Case numbering structure"? Thanks |
rustymusket | 05 Sep 2022 5:16 a.m. PST |
I have a 1st edition and a 4th edition. Don't play it anymore. |
Bobgnar  | 27 Sep 2022 9:16 p.m. PST |
So the consensus is use First edition or the Third edition, with a minority report for the smoother 4th Edition. Editor makes some vague reference to publishers of 4th game rules not paying sculptors? What is that about??? Would someone point out link to a good YouTube show of how to play the 3rd edition? Thanks. |