"Stutzpunkt Panzerabwehr - 1/144 N. Africa weapons" Topic
5 Posts
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FlyXwire | 31 Aug 2022 1:16 p.m. PST |
Guys, Together with member Fitzovich, we're working up a game idea for the local guys, that we're calling Old Skool WW2 – "Dustup in the Desert". We'll be using the classic WRG rules – Armor & Infantry 1925-1950 for this, that we beleive will require a minimum threshold of units to make for good, competitive scenarios (so needing companies of armor with their supports). Along these lines, a viable defense contingent will serve as an 'anchor' for these actions – for stepping in as a default Op-Force that will function as a staple, basic rearguard element for the upcoming scenarios (using the Great Retreat after El Alamein as the encompassing framework for the games). So here's some of the yeoman minis needed to get the games on track – also showing some ATG crew bases just competed, that can take a number of different weapons swapped-out on them for versatility –
Frederick | 31 Aug 2022 2:06 p.m. PST |
d88mm1940 | 31 Aug 2022 7:35 p.m. PST |
Sweet! It's hard to beat N. Africa WW2 stuff! The only 10mm stuff I have is ACW. All of my N.A. stuff is either 6mm or 28mm. |
FlyXwire | 01 Sep 2022 4:53 a.m. PST |
Frederick, I appreciate your comment here. d88, thanks also, and your 6mm and 28mm collecting give you the full range for doing N. Africa! |
Captain Pete | 01 Sep 2022 6:57 a.m. PST |
Great looking stuff there, FlyXwire! Really well done. D88mm1940 – My N.A. stuff is all 6mm and I really enjoy painting and playing in that scale. I painted up a number of infantry guns, AT guns, and a couple of 88s for a game we played several years ago. Right now, all I have is British and Germans but hope to add some Italians and Americans to the mix in the future. I have the minis but need to paint them. |