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"A Handful of Greek Armatoloi" Topic

7 Posts

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Action Log

24 Aug 2022 9:41 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "A handful of Greek Armatoloi" to "A Handful of Greek Armatoloi"
  • Changed starttime from
    24 Aug 2022 10:01 a.m. PST
    24 Aug 2022 10:01 a.m. PST

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Personal logo Lluis of Minairons Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Aug 2022 9:01 a.m. PST

Despite some 'traffic jam' on my workbench, I've somehow found the time to finish off a small unit of Greek armatoloi irregulars for the Ottoman-Venetian War campaign we're currently running – whose development can be followed either at Fife&DrumMinis forum or through Defiant Principality blog (this latter in Catalan language only, sorry for this).

For such the small 12-figure size unit you can see, it shows a ridiculous variety of composition – for it consists of a core of 8 greek-albanian warriors from AB figures' napoleonic range, complemented by an officer from Eureka, a standard bearer handcrafted from a Blue Moon peasant, a handgunner from Capitan and even a non-metal, 3D-printed figure from HeroForge!

If wished, some explanations and a few pictures else can be watched at Despite this blog is Catalan text only too, there is a translating button that sometimes manages to give good enough translations evil grin


Personal logo Lluis of Minairons Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Aug 2022 9:07 a.m. PST

Upsss… we've got beaten by DA BUG, seemingly. What do we do?

RogerC24 Aug 2022 9:13 a.m. PST

Deleted mine I will start again, :-)

GamesPoet Supporting Member of TMP24 Aug 2022 9:21 a.m. PST

Well done with the figures, congrats!

Personal logo Grelber Supporting Member of TMP24 Aug 2022 4:26 p.m. PST

Very cool! But then, I am interested in all sorts of Greeks. I particularly like the brown shade of jackets you gave some of the men.

Prince Alberts Revenge24 Aug 2022 5:38 p.m. PST

Sharp painting and interesting basing style. Nice mix of sculpts. Always wanted to game the Greek War of Independence in 15mm. I have some of the old AlphaCast range but looking to supplement that lot with other ranges.

Personal logo Lluis of Minairons Sponsoring Member of TMP25 Aug 2022 1:44 a.m. PST

Basing itself derives from Principles of War system (3 figure stands, 3 x 1.5 cm each). After switching to Sam Mustafa's Maurice, I didn't rebase but rather designed my PoW bases as 'half-bases' instead; so that a 'complete' 3 x 3 cm base would consist of two of my previously existing ones.

As for the unusual movement trays I'm using, these are intended for easily identifying irregular units; while they still present to the enemy the due 2-bases frontage, their rear ranks are not evenly distributed. This way, it's easy to say at a glance who are irregulars on a given tabletop.

Another example, this consisting of a larger Ottoman feudal infantry unit (composed by 3 'complete' bases, or 6 of my 'half-bases'):

(full installment,

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