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"Somali Il-28 color scheme?" Topic

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Prince Alberts Revenge24 Jul 2022 6:08 a.m. PST

Searching for images of the Somali Il-28s from the Ogaden War and can't find any (even in Cooper's book on the conflict). Anyone have a guess if they were bare metal finish or had camouflage? I've seen Somali Mig-21s in both metal and camouflage finishes. Thanks.

Prince Alberts Revenge24 Jul 2022 6:08 a.m. PST

Searching for images of the Somali Il-28s from the Ogaden War and can't find any (even in Cooper's book on the conflict). Anyone have a guess if they were bare metal finish or had camouflage? I've seen Somali Mig-21s in both metal and camouflage finishes. Thanks.

Bashytubits24 Jul 2022 8:42 a.m. PST

Here is a British aircraft modellers forum discussing this, maybe it will help. The wings over Ogaden book has no pics of Il 28s.


Prince Alberts Revenge24 Jul 2022 11:40 a.m. PST

Thanks a million Bashy! That thread was incredibly helpful. None other than Tom Cooper himself contributed to that discussion. While there are no images in his Ogaden book, he mentions the oral account of an eyewitness. The verdict: a metal finish with Somali roundels on the wings and the rear of the aircraft.

jeffbird09 Sep 2022 8:54 a.m. PST

Didn't realize, that Somalia had Il-28's, I know Ethiopia had Canberra bombers. In fact one was at Kishmayo airport for years after the Ethiopian pilot had defected.

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