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"Full Thrust "Critical" hit check results" Topic

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TheGaffer22 Jul 2022 7:19 a.m. PST

Hello from HGMS Historicon.

Question for the rules experts. When you close out a row and do a check for each system, what are the effects for failures for

Life Support
Targeting Sensors when all are gone.

Any other details you can think of. I cannot find any descriptions in the rules.

Stew art Supporting Member of TMP22 Jul 2022 8:13 a.m. PST

hi. off the top off my head..

power-think your mean core- have to fix teh core before it explodes.
bridge – the ship is out of control for d6 turns, basically flys straight ahead
Life supprt – unless fixed will force the everyone to abandon ship, I think in D6 turns
targeting – i think you mean firecons, ship can;t shoot anymore.

these are all well explained in the version of rules I like; cross dimensions.

PDF link

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian22 Jul 2022 9:49 a.m. PST

What he said

emckinney22 Jul 2022 11:00 p.m. PST

Full Thrust rulebook, p. 7 (gives the capabilities, so gives the effect for each one that you lose)

Life Support
see Fleet Book 1, p. 5--see the note about them being optional

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2022 4:24 a.m. PST

From the first time I saw the question, I thought I had something to add, but had to wait until I'd chance to look it up.

Core systems, Power Bridge, Life Support, aren't even checked on the first threshold. As stated in Cross Dimentions:

"Whenever the ship reaches a threshold point, the systems within the core box are each rolled for but subtract 1 from the die roll – thus at the first threshold point, where systems are lost on rolls of 6 only, the core systems do not need to be rolled for as the minimum score will be 7."

As optional flavor, is a complication I've not tried, though I've added weirder. ;->=


codiver22 Oct 2022 4:56 p.m. PST

When I saw this thread, I thought I might be in luck, but alas it still doesn't answer the question that came up in our game today (using the FT-CD rules)…

What happens if a Core System (Command Bridge, Life Support or Power Core) takes a second hit before the first one is fixed?


TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP24 Oct 2022 6:39 p.m. PST

Fleet Book One:
"If the Command Bridge takes a hit, then a further D6 roll is made immediately – if the roll is 1 to 5, then the ship is "out of control" for that number of turns, until command can be restored through backup links and secondary command systems. If the roll is a 6, then the ship is PERMANENTLY out of control for the duration of the game. "

My suggestion is that a second roll would generate more 'out of control' turns, unless either was 'permanent.'

For power, maybe start rolling a second die on which a 5,6 could cause an explosion?

Life support always seemed a silly 'core' system to me, so I won't even try to suggest what a second hit would cause.

Hope you don't mind me suggesting where no clear answer lies…


codiver25 Oct 2022 5:27 a.m. PST


Thanks for the response, and confirming what we deduced – that it wasn't specifically addressed. When it came up in the game, the discussion was similar to what you suggest WRT the Command Bridge hit. For Power Core, there was some debate about rolling two D6 for a 5+, or adding a +1 modifier, so still 1D6 for a 4+.

Ironically, the actual situation in the game was a second Life Support hit. We settled on rolling a D6 to see if the number of turns before it fails is reduced. We treated this roll thus: if the roll was smaller than the number of turns left, the time remaining would be reduced. However, we also talked about reducing the number of turns remaining by that second D6, but it seemed too likely to immediately fail.

There was also some discussion about how the second hit affected repair. In the end, we kept it simple with still just one successful repair roll needed to fix the system.


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