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"D&D Beholder Miniature Rebasing" Topic

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blackjack07119 Jul 2022 4:03 a.m. PST

I was reminded of a problem with this Beholder miniature after using it on the thumbnail for the "The AD&D Monster Manual (1979) A – Z: Episode 3: "B – Baboon to Beholder"" video. Basically, the material used for the base is too soft for the job. Replacing the base was a quick and fun project. This video provides an overview of the process.

D&D Beholder Miniature Rebasing at the Over the Hill and Other Nonsense Channel

Tgerritsen Supporting Member of TMP19 Jul 2022 9:18 a.m. PST

Please warn about a video link. Yikes that was loud.

blackjack07119 Jul 2022 11:06 a.m. PST

Respectfully, beyond putting it in the "Videos of War" board and including "This video provides an overview of the process" in the description, what more do you suggest?

I'm honestly not sure how I could be more clear about what's on the other end of the link.

Also, it's no louder than anything else on my end.

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