Chris Lisanti from the San Antonio Flames of War group submitted this report for the Lone Star Historical Miniatures (LSHM) facebook page – here is his game:
WW II Late Wrap Up. Chris (British Desert Rats Infantry + British Sherman company) attacked Tony (German SS Panzergrenadiers) in the Breakthrough mission.
The Germans had four Pak43s and HMGs in nests and two units of SS Panzergrenadiers on the table with four SS Tigers in reserve. The British had three Crocodile and three WASP flame throwers along with three Fireflys, eight 75 mm Shermans, mortars and Vickers machine guns.
The WASPs went right to work taking out an HMG nest on the first turn. The Germans hemmed in the British a bit, but the dense town terrain provided ample areas to hide from the Pak43s.
The WASPs then turned the corner and poured down fire on a grenadier unit who failed a blitz and was caught out between two buildings resulting in several casualties. The mortars laid smoke down which allowed the Crocodiles to get in on the action and they took out another HMG nest.
However, the WASPs were unable to take out a Pak43 nest despite two turns of pouring flame on it. The tigers came on from reserve on turn 2 and although they hit both Shermans at the HQ failed both fire powers resulting in bails. The Crocodiles then went after another Pak43 nest resulting in its destruction while the Shermans were going around the church keeping the Tigers occupied.
The fireflys got two hits on the Tigers, but they saved both. The Tigers and one Pak43 nest killed two fireflys and bailed the third, but the crocodiles and the last WASP were pouring in flame by the buckets into the grenadier formation commander and the last stand from a platoon.
The flames were too much for the grenadiers killing all three stands and breaking the German formation while capturing the central objective. There was just too much flame for the Germans today.