Cold Iron Returns for its 7th installment.
Tournament rules and Format:
* Four Rounds: Three rounds on July 23 & One on July 24 if numbers allow.
* Table size will be 4x6.
* Each round will be 3 hours plus 1d6 minutes of random time. When time is called, players will finish the current phase.
* Round 1 will start at 9 AM on July 23 or shortly thereafter
* V3 rules and current FAQ from BHGS website will be used.
* We will use the 100 point ADLG scoring method for round by round results.
* 1 list, 800 points. Any list from the 3 published V3 army books
Christopher Anders will referee. Lists are due to no later than July 16. Late lists give your opponent choice of terrain before initiative is rolled.
Venue will be the Casa de Anders Basement in Fultondale, AL.
Tournament fee is $5 USD paid to the referee.
Prizes will be offered for top 3 finishers.
There are multiple hotels at the Fultondale-Walker's Chapel Road exit to chose from and if flying in a shuttle from the airport can be arranged with notice.