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"Torhaus Dölitz Zinnfigurenmuseum" Topic

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Badgerlock12 Jun 2022 1:13 a.m. PST

What I did this week was visit the Torhaus Dölitz Zinnfigurenmuseum in Leipzig. To those interested in military history this small museum may not be as big an attraction as the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig but I think still worth a trip if you're ever in the area.

The museum has tens of thousands of flat figures and some very impressive dioramas – including large displays of the battles of Kolin (1757) and, of course, Leipzig (1813). The museum is housed in the old gatehouse of a manor where fighting took place between Austrians and a Saxon/Polish contingent.

I took plenty of photographs. Here's a small selection:




Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Jun 2022 1:23 a.m. PST

The amount of small museums for flats always astonishes me, and some of these have really good dioramas that display manyears of work.

Impressive images, thanks for sharing :-)

bobspruster Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2022 7:24 a.m. PST

Dang. I took a tour that included Leipzig but missed this. The tour guide had just finished reading a two volume novel of the battle so it was easy to talk him into a walk down to the Elster (where we stumbled onto the memorial to Poniatowski) and a visit to the monument. But no zinnfiguren. On the same tour I stopped 3 times at stores that sold zinnfiguren, but they were all closed for the day by the time I got to them!

d88mm194012 Jun 2022 11:36 a.m. PST

I imagine the museums to be long but narrow…
Many decades ago, I worked in a hobby shop in NYC (Polk's Hobbies, I believe) and one of the managers was simply addicted to painting flats.
Considerable skill goes into painting these as you are trying to make them look 3D. Kind of like painting on canvass.
I struggle to make a 3D figure look 3D!

GeorgBuchner12 Jun 2022 9:57 p.m. PST

zinnfigurenmuseen are aplenty in germany and they do them well – i recall seing a display for the 1525 Bauernkrieg when i was staying n Thueringen – it was in a castle but i forget its name, it is around the region where Sangerhausen and the enormous Tuebke Panoramamuseum is

How "flat" exactly are these tin figures, they look 3d in some photos, i can never tell

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Jun 2022 1:09 a.m. PST

zinnfigurenmuseen are aplenty in germany


Seems that the Torhaus is the second largest in Germany.

Badgerlock13 Jun 2022 10:52 a.m. PST

How "flat" exactly are these tin figures

No more than a couple of millimetres thick. They really are flat!

Old Contemptible29 Jul 2022 7:00 p.m. PST

When I saw the first photo I didn't realize they were flat.

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