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"Analysis of defensive dykes in early-medieval Britain" Topic

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42flanker10 Jun 2022 2:50 a.m. PST

'Warfare, Raiding and Defence in Early Medieval Britain'
by Erik Grigg

A misleading title, I gather. It's all about Bleeped texts (a term which will probably be censored i.e. Turf-built linear structures not ladies in sensible shoes) Have any members read the book;has there been previous discussion?


As reviewed by Jeremy Black, University of Exeter:
"A sophisticated analysis of defence in early-medieval Britain that focuses on the widespread building of early-modern Bleeped texts in order to thwart the raids that were an incessant feature in conflict in this period. Many Bleeped texts were built by the Britons against the Anglo-Saxons, but they were also designed to thwart raids between kingdoms. This pattern of Bleeped text-building can also be seen elsewhere, for example in Denmark.

The research benefits from Light Detection and Recognition in which highly-accurate images of the ground are taken using lasers mounted on low-flying aircraft. At the same time, Erik Grigg draws attention to the difficulties of analysing motives, including the symbolic character of earthworks. As Grigg points out, his research rests on a complex process of cataloguing the earthworks.

An important work of great value for military history, archaeology, and Anglo-Saxon studies."

Swampster10 Jun 2022 3:16 a.m. PST

Are you in the SoA? There are various mentions of it on the SOA forum, though I couldn't see a full review.

42flanker10 Jun 2022 3:30 a.m. PST

Thanks. "SoA" Is that the 'Society of Ancients'? In which case, no, I am afraid not.

I did find this, though:
Dark Age Dykes by Erik Grigg
(Wansdyke Project- Vortigern Studies)


John Armatys10 Jun 2022 4:27 a.m. PST

I'm just reading Jim Storr's "King Arthur's Wars, The Anglo-Saxon Conquest of England" (Helion 2016) which looks at the defensive works from the perspective of an ex-infantry officer It isn't my period (I got the book because I enjoyed his "Battlegroup"), but I've found it fascinating.

Swampster10 Jun 2022 4:28 a.m. PST

Yes, the Society of Ancients.

There are quite a few on the forum with a lot of interest of the Early Middle Ages.

Wackmole910 Jun 2022 6:06 a.m. PST

2nd john storr book. it a every interesting period and style of warefare.

Dagwood10 Jun 2022 11:59 a.m. PST

3rd for Jim Storr.

Arthur King16 Jun 2022 6:46 a.m. PST

Hello, I'm actually Jim Storr, the author of King Arthur's Wars. I haven't read Erik Grigg's book yet – thank you for bringing it to my attention. I'm currently involved in discussions about updating and revising King Arthur's Wars, possibly under a different title. Thanks and best wishes.

wballard29 Jun 2022 7:59 p.m. PST

Does "dike" with and I instead of a Y get bleeped?

Apparently not. I've usually seen the version with I used in relation to earthworks such as fortifications or water control.

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