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"Battle in the Donbas (OPFOR)" Topic

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Achtung Minen24 May 2022 9:51 a.m. PST

I am just putting a call out to see if anyone could commit to helping me develop a small scenario book for OPFOR (Panzer Korps) based around the ongoing conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine. Around six or so scenarios primarily from March '22 to the present and perhaps near future would be considered. I'm looking for help in identifying gameable scenarios (both interesting and well-scaled for the tabletop), doing high-fidelity research towards said scenarios (with no bias towards on the ground realities), converting the tactical and operational situations to Panzer Korps rules and finally writing said scenarios. I am able to contribute my part to the graphics and research elements, but am looking for a partner or two who can identify and discuss possible scenarios in depth and help with rules conversion (along with contributing to the other areas). This is not paid work, unless Manny has any interest in the final product, but rather just a free resource for the community. Serious commitments only as this project will take time and require consistency and dedication.

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian24 May 2022 10:06 a.m. PST

Thinking about the other thread, I would reduce the number of Decorated Leaders in the HQ after the first Day Segment. They can get things started but will have issues keeping things moving. Also consider how you want DL to work for initiative.

shadoe0125 May 2022 6:44 a.m. PST

I don't know Panzer Korps so I can't contribute. If you didn't notice this site you might want to use as its fairly detailed. It might not be accurate but it may sufficient for creating gaming scenarios. Heavens, how many historical scenarios are based on the 100% accurate info.


Achtung Minen30 May 2022 11:21 a.m. PST

Bumping for interest… any takers?

Wolfhag Supporting Member of TMP15 Nov 2022 5:38 p.m. PST

Achtung Minen,
I've been in touch with some Westerners I know that have been operating in Kharkiv, Bakhmut and southern Ukraine for 6-8 months. They are basically light infantry but I have a lot of data on how EW is being waged with assistance from drones. I'd be glad to help out.

Check the discussion title "Warcation" in Modern Discussion. I'll be updating it in a day or two.


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