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"List of Perry Sudan Miniatures for Second Anglo Afghan War" Topic

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Atheling23 May 2022 1:29 p.m. PST


I'm hoping (praying!) that someone can help. The Perry's used to have a list of what codes from their British Sudan range could also be used for their Second Anglo Afghan War range on their old website.

I had copied the list to a Word file. However, that was on an old laptop which has since died.

I was wondering if anyone out there had kept a copy of the list?

If so, i would be very grateful if you could either leave a the list on this thread or PM me with said list (please!).


Just Add Water Wargaming and Painting Blog:

SgtGuinness23 May 2022 7:11 p.m. PST

Atheling, stand by, once Mad Guru sees this message he will hook you up with that data sir.

Mad Guru24 May 2022 10:36 a.m. PST

Brother Jeff, thanks for alerting me to this compelling query!!!


I believe that would be the various packs of British Infantry, Indian service dress (SB21-SB25);

The 10th Hussars command (SB33) and swords drawn (SB34);

The Sikh Infantry packs (SB68-SB70);

And the various Bengal Cavalry command & with lances packs (SB74-SB76).

NOTE: I did not include the 3 x "Bengal/Bombay infantry" packs (SB71-SB73), because these all wear smooth khaki covers over their turbans which post-date the Second Afghan War, and as there now are some perfectly accurate Second Afghan War Perry Indian Infantry figures in their "Victoria's Little Wars" range, there's no need to do turban conversions on the Sudan range Bombay/Bengal infantry figures to make them fit the Afghan War, the way I did more than a decade ago.

You could also use the Royal Artillery 7 pounder Screw-gun and crew (SB45) -- though if you're picky you may want to remove the desert goggles from the officer's foreign service helmet, and possibly remove the puggarees from all the crew's helmets, as in Afghanistan they would probably have been wearing khaki cloth helmet-covers. But if you leave all their helmets as-is and just paint them in khaki uniforms with blue puttees, I will in no way hold it against you!

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