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"Reaching out to you WW2 North Africa gamers" Topic

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captaincold6919 May 2022 1:53 p.m. PST

I'd love to see some pictures of your North Africa/Mediterranean gaming tables.

I need some inspiration!


robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP20 May 2022 5:18 a.m. PST

The bad news is that I can't directly post images to TMP. I'd have to create a blog, sign on with some imagery-storing site of get even deeper into social media.

The good news is that my tables are seldom inspiring, so you're not missing much.

Captain Pete20 May 2022 6:21 a.m. PST

Here are a few more pictures from my North Africa games.

dr beard20 May 2022 6:34 a.m. PST

Not a table as such but I've just made some rocky hills for the Med.
Take a look at:

Might be of interest for you.

All the best Dr B

EricThe Shed20 May 2022 9:02 a.m. PST

Almost WW2 – My Daleks versus Afrika Korps game – link below pictures




Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP23 May 2022 4:33 p.m. PST

My focus, in terms of N Africa, is on the campaigns in French North Africa, including both the Torch landings in Morocco and Algeria, and the following campaign in Tunisia.

I have gamed western desert many times over the years, but always in someone else's game. I don't have much kit for the western desert, beyond some of my Italian units that serve me in Tunisian campaigns.

Here are Italian forces advancing on Hir Moussa, in the Ousseltia Valley of central Tunisia.

I never found any period pictures of Hir Moussa, so I relied on maps and descriptions and a large dose of my own imagination for creating this game board.

Here is a view of Hir Moussa from the French side of the board, looking towards the direction from which the Italians will come.

The view from the Italian side as the battle developed.

This battle involved a lot of light forces and mortar fire.

Eventually the Italian armor arrived.

But it was too late, as elements of the US 601st TD Battalion had already rushed in to take positions in support of the under-gunned French forces, blocking any chance the Italians had to achieve a breakthrough.

This battle was done with my current terrain techniques. I do have other pics of prior approaches, if you'd like to see them. But I was quite pleased the way this looked, and have stayed with this technique to the level I have learned it from Mark Luther ("microbiggie" here on TMP -- you MUST check out his AARs on these fora).

Good luck and good gaming.

(aka: Mk 1)

Gozerius24 May 2022 6:44 p.m. PST

Very nice. Microarmor scale?

Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP24 May 2022 11:06 p.m. PST

Microarmor scale?

Yes. This comes cross-posted from the 6mm discussion. 6mm = 1/300 or 1/285 = "Microarmor" in scale.

And the majority of the models, in my pics at least, are GHQ Microarmor products. I think the only vehicles in the pics that are not GHQ are:
- The Italian 75mm field gun on the hill overlooking the battle. That guy is from H&R, although it's primer mover is a GHQ vehicle.
- The US M6 "Fargo" light TDs positioned in the orchard woodline. These are C=in-C models with GHQ figures added as crews. GHQ did not yet offer an M6 model at the time I acquired and painted up these vehicles.

Hope that helps.

(aka: Mk 1)

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