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"Germantown, 1777, Refight" Topic

6 Posts

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Nottingham Wargames10 May 2022 8:04 a.m. PST

In this refight of Germantown, from the Philadelphia Campaign, the American rebels defeated the British quite convincingly. The mutinous colonists assaulted the Crown Forces' right flank with vigour, and sent the red coats running for their lives to the rear.

Actually, the British elite Light Infantry failed an early morale role and routed on a 'double one' die role, setting the tone for a the rest of the game. This culminated with an, albeit depleted, unit of Grenadiers failing their morale on a role of a 3 on 2d6, leaving traitorous units of Continentals to maraud through Germantown!

Meanwhile on the British right flank, the Hessians took ages to dress their lines and to move to to engage with the American militia. By the time they had, the battle was essentially over.



More images at Nottingham Wargames Club:

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP10 May 2022 8:15 a.m. PST

Nice looking figures.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP11 May 2022 9:29 a.m. PST

So the next game is the Continental army attacking into Philadelphia? Woohoo! grin

I have this scenario in the works for later this year. It's a bit too big for my collection, so the OOBs will be a bit altered and slightly bathtubbed, but the main obstacle for me is having to make dozens more feet of worm fence.

Did you take any pictures of the table from above? It would be nice to see the layout of the entire battlefield.

- Ix

TangoOneThreeAlpha13 May 2022 1:59 a.m. PST


Thanks for posting this; which rules do you use for the AWI?

Cheers Paul

Bashytubits13 May 2022 10:01 a.m. PST

If you read through the blog it looks like the rules are homebrew with ideas from black powder included in their games.

Nottingham Wargames14 May 2022 10:01 a.m. PST

Yes, we use a home made set, although sometimes use Age of Reason. The club set enables us to finish a game in an evening.

Sorry, no photos of the whole battlefield (that was an oversight).

The troops were deployed as they did historically, taken from an old article from Wargames Illustrated. The Order of Battle was flattened out (small units combined into larger units etc.)

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