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"3D printed Etruscans" Topic

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madaxeman09 May 2022 4:22 a.m. PST

I recently bought a set of 3D printed figures from a seller on Etsy (Small Scale Prints), from the Hannibal vs Rome range designed by Warprinter from Germany. I ordered a mix of the Etruscans and Samnites, planning to use them to bulk out some of my existing Early Roman armies into other Latin states of that era – armies that I was unlikely to use all that often, but which the completist in me fancied trying anyway a couple of times.

[img width=1000 height=562]

For that sort of thing I wasn't ever going to spend a fortune on, say, Mirliton minis just to leave them in a drawer after a couple of outings, but the idea of having an excuse to take a look at what 3D printing could offer at the moment, and picking up a load of simple to paint minis (these were designed for 10mm, but the vendor scaled them up to 15mm for me) to bang out quickly was exactly what I was needed to prompt me to buy on in to some 3D prints.

[img width=1000 height=562]

[img width=1000 height=562]

Maybe the best summary is to say that "They are what they are" – simply-designed, low cost figures sculpted for 10mm and scaled up to 15mm, and on that basis I think they succeed admirably in what they set out to achieve. Yes, they do still have an air of "Lego" men about them for sure, but I think in some ways that also makes them kinda cute and gives them a real likability factor too (reminscent in some ways of the Lamming 25mm range from back in the day). Stood next to Old Glory 15mm Romans, and at wargaming distances they don't – to me – look all that out of place at all.

Perhaps the more interesting thing for me is that having these guys in-hand, I've begun to see just how easy it is soon going to be for gamers – even using fairly basic 3D design skills – to begin to start playing around in 3D, mixing and matching even simplistic "lego-style" body parts to suddenly cook up entirely new, bespoke, limited run armies and figures to add to their collections.

And, I will stress again, these guys are not trying or claiming to be anatomically accurate works of art – they are just cheap and cheerful "get em on the table" figures.

Interesting times indeed!

(more photos and detail on painting on my website at: link

Raynman Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2022 5:57 a.m. PST

Nothing here and nothing there!

rustymusket09 May 2022 6:12 a.m. PST

The link takes me to the blog but says the page I am looking for does not exist.

Grelber09 May 2022 9:17 a.m. PST

Clicking on the "" button at the top of the page takes you to the blog article.


madaxeman09 May 2022 1:18 p.m. PST

Aaargh – sorry! TMP formatting issues… Lets try again:

I recently bought a set of 3D printed figures from a seller on Etsy (Small Scale Prints), from the Hannibal vs Rome range designed by Warprinter from Germany. I ordered a mix of the Etruscans and Samnites, planning to use them to bulk out some of my existing Early Roman armies into other Latin states of that era – armies that I was unlikely to use all that often, but which the completist in me fancied trying anyway a couple of times.

For that sort of thing I wasn't ever going to spend a fortune on, say, Mirliton minis just to leave them in a drawer after a couple of outings, but the idea of having an excuse to take a look at what 3D printing could offer at the moment, and picking up a load of simple to paint minis (these were designed for 10mm, but the vendor scaled them up to 15mm for me) to bang out quickly was exactly what I was needed to prompt me to buy on in to some 3D prints.

Maybe the best summary is to say that "They are what they are" – simply-designed, low cost figures sculpted for 10mm and scaled up to 15mm, and on that basis I think they succeed admirably in what they set out to achieve. Yes, they do still have an air of "Lego" men about them for sure, but I think in some ways that also makes them kinda cute and gives them a real likability factor too (reminscent in some ways of the Lamming 25mm range from back in the day). Stood next to Old Glory 15mm Romans, and at wargaming distances they don't – to me – look all that out of place at all.

Perhaps the more interesting thing for me is that having these guys in-hand, I've begun to see just how easy it is soon going to be for gamers – even using fairly basic 3D design skills – to begin to start playing around in 3D, mixing and matching even simplistic "lego-style" body parts to suddenly cook up entirely new, bespoke, limited run armies and figures to add to their collections.

And, I will stress again, these guys are not trying or claiming to be anatomically accurate works of art – they are just cheap and cheerful "get em on the table" figures.

Interesting times indeed!

More photos and detail on painting on my website at: link

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP09 May 2022 8:44 p.m. PST

I think they look great

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP10 May 2022 5:55 a.m. PST

I just bought the whole bundle from Warprinter as it was MUCH cheaper buying the files direct than at Wargaming 3D. That's a great price at $73.00 USD for Spanish, Rep Romans, Greeks, Carthaginians and Celts plus some generic units. Now to print them up! Oh, the files actually are created in 6mm, 10mm and 15mm scales when you get them. That's pretty sweet! Seeing your page showed me how nice they looked so I dove right in!



Augustus11 May 2022 10:46 a.m. PST

Frankly they look better than the metals. Far more colorful to the eye!

Legionarius11 May 2022 9:53 p.m. PST

Very nice figures with clean lines. Should be easy to paint. Yours look very nice painted and based. I think that 3D printing is the way of the future.

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