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"14th century English and Scots in 15mm" Topic

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07 May 2022 7:07 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "14th century English and Scots in 15 mm" to "14th century English and Scots in 15mm"

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AnimalBones07 May 2022 3:42 a.m. PST

Hi all,

I am going to do some stuff from the second war of Scottish Independence (14th century) in 15/18 mm using DBMM. I am new to the period and would like advice on UK manufacturer/distributors who covers this period. I am going to block and dip so sufficient detail to take the dip and show detail.

I am aware of Essex, wondering if there was anything else out there.

Thank you

Steamingdave207 May 2022 7:46 a.m. PST

Donnington New Era do a 12th/13th century range, which includes some Scots, and also a 100 Years war 14th century range. I reckon you could put together appropriate forces from these. I like the style of these figures and have some for the mid 12th century " Anarchy" period.

The other option I am aware of is from Miniature Figurines ( Caliver books market these in UK). They will be "typical Minifigs" in style and perhaps a bit dated by modern standards.

AnimalBones07 May 2022 12:20 p.m. PST

Thanks, the Donnington is a fine recommendation

Swampster07 May 2022 1:02 p.m. PST

Early 14th century knights aren't brilliantly covered in 15mm.
The Donnington range has some with the right helms – sugar loaf, some with moveable visors.
Essex are a bit vague with their historical details on the knights but their foot is more useful.
The knights in the Minifig range for the period aren't as good as some of their others. A lot of the foot in the Feudal range would be very useful, especially for the English. There is a nice range of weapons though each pack is single pose which means buying a lot of packs to get the full variety. One of those 'paints better then they look in the bare lead' ranges. Midlander65 shows how good Minifigs can look link though he is also extremely talented.
QRF do a specific Scots range. The 13th/14th century figures are very good and note they aren't very different to other Europeans of the age*. I think the 14th/15th figures would mix okay – I don't remember much which would make them out of place. The Robert Bruce figures is nice but a touch small compared to mounted figures from most other ranges.
QRF are currently migrating their website so not available until later in May according to their message.
Lancashire Games do some suitable foot in their Early Medieval range. They are fairly big figures. The cavalry are less suitable for the period you want.

Fighting 15s do the Gladiator Minatures ranges. The Medieval range includes Scots though many of the others would also be suitable. Another of those ranges that paint up better than the bare lead suggests. The Feudal range also has some useful figures. These look nice in the bare lead and paint up even nicer!

It is well worth looking at the figures in Khurasan's later 14th c. range. He is generally very good with the research and these are recently released so give a good idea of current thinking. They are US based which isn't what you are after. The other problem is that the figures from this range tend to be very big and are difficult to match with other ranges.

*One of the TMP posters has, IIRC, studied the war a lot and made the point that there were increasingly few differences in the appearance of Scots and English.

Mirosav07 May 2022 6:44 p.m. PST

The QRF(originally Friekorps) Scots are great for this period.

AnimalBones07 May 2022 11:42 p.m. PST

Some wonderful detailed replies and plenty to work with here so thank you!

Swampster08 May 2022 6:36 a.m. PST

If you are new to the period and DBMM, have you signed up to the DBMM list on

Like any such list, there are arguments over rules interpretation, but hearts are in the right place and you can get lots of advice on all sorts of things.
Competition talk can sometimes dominate but don't let that put you off if it isn't your thing.

Swampster08 May 2022 7:03 a.m. PST

Another couple of things – I missed that you said _2nd_ WoI. That opens the options a bit.

One range that I missed is American but available from UK supplier – Blue Moon.
The HYW range is pretty recently released. The figures tend to be large and won't mix brilliantly with a lot of ranges (definitely not QRF!) but they are very nice.
Most of the knights in the Crecy section would be suitable though not sure about the Germans – I think they would be okay as I think they are wearing jupons and this should cover some of their armour differences.

Some of the Crusader figures (not the knights) would also be suitable.

rampantlion08 May 2022 10:13 a.m. PST

I really like Thistle and Rose Scots line.

Swampster08 May 2022 11:01 a.m. PST

I meant to include Thistle and Rose, though they aren't too easy to get in the UK – you need to order quite a lot to make the postage costs worthwhile.
I haven't seen the Scots range but other figures I've seen are nice.
You can see the available list by going to their Facebook group.

rampantlion08 May 2022 12:19 p.m. PST

Swampster, the Scottish range has a lot of character. They can be ordered with or without shields, standing or kneeling and have a lot of variety. Their galloglaich, islemen and highlanders are good too.

rampantlion09 May 2022 12:08 p.m. PST

Also, Legio Heroica make some wonderful figs. The knights are too early but some of the infantry would still be fine. They also have some Scottish spearmen as well as a variety of infantry suitable for late 13th/early 14th century. Their knights for earlier periods are some of the best out there if you are ever interested in 1st or 2nd Barons Wars.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP10 May 2022 10:30 a.m. PST

*One of the TMP posters has, IIRC, studied the war a lot and made the point that there were increasingly few differences in the appearance of Scots and English.

uglyfatbloke missed his cue.

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP18 May 2022 4:20 p.m. PST

I am now printing off a new line of Scots troops in resin/plastic. The link I am postingg is for 28mm figures but since they are digital files I can print them in 15/18 or ever 40mm.

Have a look






rampantlion19 May 2022 7:49 a.m. PST

Are you selling these? If so, I would like to order some please. I wasn't sure if the link was just showing them or you offered them.


Albus Malum28 Oct 2022 8:46 p.m. PST

Museum miniatures is also worth looking at for 15/18mm stuff. They are also starting to come out with many sets of "Z" Digitally sculpted and cast in metal miniatures for 15mm. They are currently doing Normans, but have done Indian, Greek, Persians, in the "Z" sculpts. They do have some 13'th 14th, and 15th century stuff in their inventory, and may be well worth looking at for you.

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