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"English language books on the Boshin War?" Topic

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Glengarry5 Supporting Member of TMP29 Apr 2022 6:00 p.m. PST

Are there any? I have the Osprey MAA and have read political accounts about the Boshin War (lots and lots of negotiations) but very little sources of information on the war itself outside of Wikipedia. Are there any?

Schlesien29 Apr 2022 8:31 p.m. PST

Specific to the naval aspect of the war:
Warships of the Late Tokugawa Conflicts: Japan (1853-1870) by William Eugene Warner

Grand Dragon30 Apr 2022 3:45 a.m. PST

The only two books I know that might be useful are 'Meiji 1868 Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Japan' by Paul Akamatsu, and 'Samurai Revolution' by Romulus Hillsborough which covers the period 1868-1877.

Glengarry5 Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2022 10:08 a.m. PST

Grand Dragon, I've read them both, the latter quite recently!

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