"Rules for the War of the Spanish Succession" Topic
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OldReliable1862 | 23 Apr 2022 9:00 p.m. PST |
I'm looking for a set of rules for the 1660-1720 period, especially the War of the Spanish Succession. They should be able to represent big battles such as Ramillies or Malplaquet in about 12 hours at most, have a good amount of 'period feel', and be friendly to 6mm (though they don't have to be designed for it). |
IainJL | 23 Apr 2022 10:06 p.m. PST |
Big Bloody Battles have a WSS variant for bigger actions |
Martin Rapier | 24 Apr 2022 12:11 a.m. PST |
Twilight of the Sun King are very good, and designed to fight whole battles. |
PandSSociety | 24 Apr 2022 12:22 a.m. PST |
We use a set called Twilight of the Sun King which is aimed at large battles in the period 1680-1720. There is a companion set called Twilight of Divine Right which covers 1618-1680 and indeed another called Twilight of the Soldier Kings which covers 1730-80. pikeandshotsociety.org for the Sun King and Divine Right rules. link for the Soldier Kings The big 4 WSS battles are playable in say 4 hours and probably best as 2 players a side – or with more time. Most are smaller than this and 1 player a side in 3 to 4 hours. They are not scale specific but they are very much period specific. You can play with any scale of figures and you can easily adjust the other factors to whatever suits you. There are currently 3 scenario books for the Sun King rules with a 4th on the way. Details are here – link You can see some Great Northern War games here – these are at 2 to 4 times the usual scale for 'visual impact' and are in 6mm. link |
Steamingdave2 | 24 Apr 2022 2:38 a.m. PST |
Twilight of the Sun King are ideal for 6mm. Units are brigades representing around 2000 infantry or 1000 cavalry and are most commonly represented by two bases, each 60mm x 30mm; using this size base, the " Base Width" is 6cm and this is used to determine all movement, fire ranges etc. The rules can use any basing you like (my 10mm LoA Jacobites have brigades made up of three 40cm x 30cm bases and I have played games with 28mm figures based on 60mm bases, 4 bases to a unit, giving Base Width of 12cm (needs a big table though) Stripped down mechanism uses a "situational morale test", so no firing or melee calculation to slow things up. I have played Blenheim, Ramilles, Fleurus and many other battles from the 1680 to 1720 period. We played Neerwinden (Landen) over three 4 hour sessions, but generally games can be completed within three to five hours and, using the 6cm base width, most fit onto a 6 feet x 4 feet table. |
AussieAndy | 24 Apr 2022 4:01 a.m. PST |
We use Might and Reason with the Sun King module (available as a download on the Honour website). In my view, much better than the options suggested above. |
Stosstruppen | 24 Apr 2022 5:10 a.m. PST |
There is also Age of Honour for use with Age of Eagles. AoH is a supplement. |
Royston Papworth | 24 Apr 2022 7:42 a.m. PST |
Funnily enough, last month we tried a small game using Crusader's Rank and File rules, an old set, but it did give an enjoyable game.. |
dbf1676 | 24 Apr 2022 4:11 p.m. PST |
Agree with the comments on Twilight of the Sun King. They are the best I've seen for one evening large battles. |
oldnorthstate | 26 Apr 2022 12:14 p.m. PST |
Our group uses the WSS Carnage and Glory Computer Moderated system primarily for the Great Northern War. The system has an option for WSS and GNW. |