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"Difference between WAB1 and WAB2.0" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

D6 Junkie18 Apr 2022 10:13 a.m. PST

What where the general differences between Warhammer ancients first edition and the last one. Thanks

JJartist18 Apr 2022 11:43 a.m. PST

My initial review in 2010 was a bit harsh (below). But GW swiftly pulled the plug on supporting the rules shortly thereafter.

WAB2 solved a lot of problems for tournament gamers, stitched together the varying books were running their own systems for Medieval and some periods, and streamlined some rules that were funky leftovers from the WFB rules (such as lapping around).

Unfortunately by adjusting the unit point calculations they ruined all their previous books and that meant the system would not be complete until those were all revised. The WAB2 Armies of Antiquity volume did overhaul almost all the detailed lists from all the historical supplements into an immense compendium.

Some of the rules changes were simply liked/hated as a matter of taste. A major change was making the rank bonus for units four models deep redundant. This changed the visual impact of the game by allowing more three deep formations to balloon up in importance. I preferred that four deep units be rewarded so massed unit like warbands and pike phalanxes would retain that visual spectacle, but that evaporated and folks rebased.

Some of the other nuances that caused some grief were inexplicable changes to rules like Stubborn- which instead of simple being fixed in context with other psychology rules was reinvented an thus caused other newly unintended issues.

Things like this are why many folks prefer the WAB1 or WAB1.5 for their home games, because they can use the supplements.

Tournaments today often go with WAB2 because the lists are using the same points systems. Usually the old standard points systems in WAB1 for an evening sized game was 2000 pts.
Using the same sized forces for WAB2 usually was expanded to 2800 pts.


A cheat sheet for WAB2 charts helps keep rules separated in one's mind from WAB1:


D6 Junkie18 Apr 2022 4:19 p.m. PST

Thank you Sir!
A friend who was new to Wab and I played this past weekend
and had a fun time and he really likes the supplements.

D6 Junkie18 Apr 2022 4:32 p.m. PST

A quick question if you don't mind.
When charging do you get the wheel at the beginning to
get the enemy target in your sights or is it a wheel after touching the enemy to line up?

Korvessa18 Apr 2022 5:13 p.m. PST

IIRC it's both.
One at the start to get lined up and the second at contact. I think they call it "closing the door"

Legend of Doom19 Apr 2022 1:38 a.m. PST

There were a few other changes which were questionable such as the prohibition on 90 degree turns for most units or the creation of lumbering unmanouvurable warbands and the change of flank arcs away from 90 dgrees to 180

Dexter Ward19 Apr 2022 6:58 a.m. PST

I'd say the main difference is that lots of people played WAB 1. WAB 2, not so much.

TMPWargamerabbit19 Apr 2022 10:42 a.m. PST

Concur with D ward statement…. the WAB 1.5 games dried up as WAB 2.0 came out. Our group dropped WAB 2.0 totally and went over to Clash of Empires over Hail Caesar. We still play a large 12' table, five to eight player, COE historical battle quarterly since the WAB changeover… years ago.

JJartist21 Apr 2022 10:28 a.m. PST

There are active Facebook groups promoting WAB1/1.5 and WAB 2.0 games and rules.

Warhammer Ancients on Facebook:

Warhammer Historical Wargaming

Warhammer Ancient Battles V2.0

Stalkey and Co14 Jul 2022 9:26 a.m. PST

Mwar hammer ancient battles cannot be fixed – the system is inherently flawed like all games workshop games.

you'll be better off trying another system entirely.

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