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Atheling10 Apr 2022 12:14 p.m. PST

I have been asked many times lately on social media (Facebook and Twitter) how I go about painting a yellow. Rather then repeat myself constantly on many posts, usually with all too brief and unsatisfactory answer, I thought I would do a quick post on how I go about painting yellows would be the way forward.

The full article, Painting Yellows How To, can be found on my blog here:

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP10 Apr 2022 12:57 p.m. PST

Interesting and thanks for posting – I have just finished a yellow-coated infantry unit for my SYW Imagination army – I used my usual method of white undercoats with successive yellow coats but must try your suggestion as to a light brown undercoat

rustymusket10 Apr 2022 1:30 p.m. PST

Atheling, your painting looks great. I am not a great painter (understatement, really) but I usually paint paler shades of yellow to avoid an overly bright look. I am trying to avoid making my cotton or wool uniforms look like polyester.

jwebster Supporting Member of TMP10 Apr 2022 7:09 p.m. PST

Fantastic work. I will pull out the Vallejo light yellow that I abandoned after getting really low coverage

Agree with using Vallejo ivory – very useful paint



Prince Rupert of the Rhine10 Apr 2022 11:52 p.m. PST

When I worked for Games Workshop, many moons a go, a talented painter I worked with always started his yellow with a bronzed flesh base coat before building up his yellows from there it worked really well.

I've had good results more recently using Revell Aqua colours yellow which for some reason gives really good coverage even over black.

Bandolier11 Apr 2022 3:54 a.m. PST

Thanks for the tip!

dantheman12 Apr 2022 5:52 a.m. PST

Great share, was painting yellow facings on Napoleonic Austrians this weekend.
Yellow is such a translucent color that these tips help.

Why I subscribe to TMP

Atheling12 Apr 2022 7:49 a.m. PST


I used my usual method of white undercoats with successive yellow coats but must try your suggestion as to a light brown undercoat

Please, be my guest. I'd love to see the results.


I usually paint paler shades of yellow to avoid an overly bright look. I am trying to avoid making my cotton or wool uniforms look like polyester.

I can certainly see your point. I have developed my style over a couple of decades and it really is just how I go about it. I do variations on the same theme, if you look at the flag on the Malalai vignette- that is started with a more beige brown then continued with VMC Light Yellow. I think the important thing is *not* to start with too yellow a base if you see what I'm getting at?


Agree with using Vallejo ivory – very useful paint

VMC Ivory has been a god send for many a year :>)

Prince Rupert of the Rhine

started his yellow with a bronzed flesh base coat before building up his yellows from there it worked really well.

Now that I would really like to see. Do you happen to have any images saved? (I realise it might have been a while back but one never knows) :>)


Thanks for the tip!

you're very welcome.


Great share, was painting yellow facings on Napoleonic Austrians this weekend.
Yellow is such a translucent color that these tips help.

When you get a chance give it a try Dan. I'd love to see the results.

Thanks all :)

My Just Add Water Miniature Painting Blog:

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