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"Papal State 1848 - Swiss Regiments" Topic

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paperbattles08 Apr 2022 4:31 a.m. PST

After the riots occured in 1830-1831 in the Pontificial State, the Governnament, seen the very low level of national troops and their personal involvements it the liberal riots decided to go back to the past and enroll Swiss troops, considered as high professional and not involved in any national feeling and for this reason very liable.

The Regulation was issued in 1833 and the task to enroll the troops was given to two trustfull and catholic Swiss nobles that had to close single contract with every Swiss recruit (while in Bourbon State of Two Sicily were issued "capitolazioni" with sigle Swiss Cantons) for a period of 4 years.

The Swiss Troops – called "Fanteria Estera" were on 2 regiments (the first and the second) on 4.232 infantry and 171 artillerymen. They were enlisted for 4 years.

Each Swiss Regiment was on 2 battalions, each of 6 companies (1 voltigeurs, 1 granadiers and 4 fuciliers);

more on link

paperbattles08 Apr 2022 4:35 a.m. PST

Grenadiers Company

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