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"Best Sources: Crimean War Uniforms" Topic

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Stalkey and Co07 Apr 2022 6:25 a.m. PST

There is quite a lot of variety of forces:
Russians, British, French, Turkey, Piedmont

And there's quite a bit of variation off the official uniforms, no doubt.

What are the best sources for Crimean War Uniforms?
Books, any media suggestions welcomed!


NapStein07 Apr 2022 7:28 a.m. PST

For illustrations I think the book "War in the Crimea – an illustrated history" by Ian Fletcher & Natalia Ishchenko is worth for uniform studies. It had been published by The History Press in 2008.

The best actual source for Russian uniforms of the period from Catherine II. to Nicolas II. are the (expensive) books published by the editor Russkie Vitasi.
You may get the two excellent and wealthy illustrated volume of the Nicolas II period at Berliner Zinnfiguren:


link (with some sample pages)

The advantage is that this shop is in Germany so you (or others) may order these two excellent books.

Greetings from Berlin
Markus Stein

NapStein07 Apr 2022 7:54 a.m. PST

And I forgot to mention the vast series of Viskovatov plates (with English translation), which I may also recommend – I've the napoleonic section … here's a link to the Russians until 1855: link

Markus Stein

DisasterWargamer Supporting Member of TMP07 Apr 2022 12:22 p.m. PST

I bought the series of books published by Partizen Press

Lilian11 Apr 2022 5:40 p.m. PST

Chris Flaherty did one about Ottoman for Partizan Press but also two further volumes for Soldiershop Publishing and a third about the Sardinian Expeditionary Corps

Turkish army Crimean war uniforms
Volume 1
Chapter 1: Winter and Summer Uniforms
Chapter 2: Greatcoats and Cold Weather Gear
Chapter 3: Personal Equipment and Muskets
Chapter 4: Rank Insignia and Officer's Uniforms
Chapter 5: Security Soldiers
Chapter 6: Flags
Chapter 7: Drummers and Music Corps
Chapter 8: Seshaneci: Foot Chasseurs and Chasseurs-a-Cheval
Chapter 9: Cavalry
Chapter 10: Artillery
Chapter 11: Engineers' Brigade
Chapter 12: Bashi-Bazouks
Chapter 13: Zaptiye: Mounted Police
Chapter 14: Turkish Army Order of Battle in the Crimea

Volume 2
Chapter 1: Navy and Egyptian Squadron
Chapter 2: Egyptian Contingent
Chapter 3: Tunisian Contingent
Chapter 4: Anglo-Turkish Contingent
Chapter 5: General Beatson's Horse, and Osmanli Horse Artillery
Chapter 6: Arab Regiment
Chapter 7: Ottoman Cossack Regiments
Chapter 8: Romanian Crimean War Uniforms
Chapter 9: Post-Crimean War Anglo-Turkish Contingent (1857)

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