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"Cloths with preprinted Squares" Topic

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Trajanus07 Apr 2022 3:30 a.m. PST

Anyone know of a manufacturer who does wargames terrain cloths with pre printed squares rather than hexes?

Loads of hex based stuff available but can't seem to find squares.

What do to "To the Strongest" players use, for example?

Emperorbaz07 Apr 2022 4:57 a.m. PST

Big red bat sells them on his webpage, Simon wrote TTS. Are you uk based?

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP07 Apr 2022 6:11 a.m. PST

I bought a lovely green mat and did the squares myself. I used a sharpie to mark just the corners then touched up with a bright green paint.

Took about an hour I think. Plus I can use the mat for non gridded games (once you put down terain the dots really disappear).

Bellerophon199307 Apr 2022 7:20 a.m. PST

Deepcut studios does custom mats you can design exactly what size squares you want. I own 4, would highly recommend.

Trajanus07 Apr 2022 8:01 a.m. PST

Thanks guys, I have looked on the BRB's website and got some ideas including some Deepcut "off the shelf" items that could do the job.

I was just using "To the Strongest" as an example of rules using a square grid, its not them I had in mind to play.

At the moment I'm waiting on Strength and Honour to be released towards the end of the month to see the size requirements for the rules and if I actually like them! 😃

Don't mind taking a chance on the basis of what I have seen of Mark's rules so far but I'm not inclined to splash out another £60.00 GBP or so, on top of that, until I know they will see some use.

sidley07 Apr 2022 3:01 p.m. PST

Redbat cave has a large number of squared cloths available. He also has a number of cloths with small crosses at the apexes of the squares to make them less prominent.

Trajanus08 Apr 2022 5:37 a.m. PST

Yes I saw the ones with just the corners marked on the cloth they do look a lot better to me.

Steamingdave208 Apr 2022 1:55 p.m. PST

I bought a Geek grassmat with grid for playing " For King and Parliament" through Big Red Bat shop. The grid is unobtrusive and I have used it for other games

Trajanus09 Apr 2022 2:16 a.m. PST

Is theirs the one with the full squares or just the corners outlined? After looking at a load of on screen pages of mats my brain has gone!

Although I have at least decided 15cm squares are what I need.

Bellerophon199309 Apr 2022 5:42 a.m. PST

They offer both options on his site – "cross grid" means just at the corners.

I own several BRB mats and they're excellent, thought i've come to prefer the mousepad material you can have deepcut mock-up for you on their print-a-mat section

Personal logo BigRedBat Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Apr 2022 7:27 a.m. PST

For various technical reasons the cross-grid mats aren't available and wont be for some months. However I still have a few left in stock in some designs.

The mousemats have a nice springy quality but are bulky to store (which is why I unfortunately can't stock them). However, I find that I can achieve a similar comfy playing surface by using a rug gripper (£15-ish from Amazon) under my cloth mats.

Trajanus11 Apr 2022 8:50 a.m. PST

Thanks for the heads up BRB.

I think I may go for the 15cm with an actual grid, when I have checked out the workings of Strength and Honour.

At the moment we are being drip fed information so its a bit of a puzzle. Given that in the game the true Square size is supposed to be 7.5cm. Even though the standard frontage of a formation block is 12cm, the block is deemed to take up the frontage of two squares.

I need to know what the idea behind that is. At the moment 15cm seems the best compromise as you can easily judge half a square by eye.

sidley13 Apr 2022 2:51 p.m. PST

The BRB does a cloth 3' x 4' with 7.5cm squares, so two could do the job. Alternatively, there are many companies who will produce a bespoke cloth.

Trajanus14 Apr 2022 1:41 a.m. PST

Thanks for that didn't spot them on the website as I was concentrating on 6x4.

The 7.5cm thing will really only matter if you can tell from the rules single squares have any importance. So far from the YouTube introduction videos it seems not to be the case as things seem to happen with pairs of them, which kind of makes me wonder, why 7.5cm and not 15cm in the first place!

Any way the rules themselves are released on 25th April (I have them on preorder) so I can make a decision after that.

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